Part 6

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Wednesday immediately steps back


Oh sure yeah of course. I'm sorry

Enid smiles and steps towards Wednesday wrapping her arms around her and squeezing her. She kisses her on the cheek as she pulls away from her


It's not you. I want you so much. It's just... as much as he's an asshole, I'm not one. And I'm not a cheat. I need to break up with Bruno

She takes out her phone and starts tapping away. Wednesday takes her phone out and messages Michael


Well he's not happy, called me a few choice words. I'm a tease apparently...

She rolls her eyes and smiles at Wednesday


Well... you can't help it. Being as beautiful as you? Automatic tease...

She takes a step towards Enid, now standing behind her she wraps her arms around her waist and kisses the back of her neck


So are you single yet?

Enid turns around in Wednesday's arms, staying so close their noses touch


Yeah but I don't want to be

Wednesday barely has to move to reach Enid's lips, both girls move their bodies as if they were always supposed to connect in this way. Barely giving themselves time to take a breath, lips slide across lips and tongues slide across tongues, hands slide across skin. They couldn't get any closer but it still didn't feel close enough. Wednesday finally detaches herself and stares at Enid


When you said you knew you didn't want Bruno to touch you... it's different with me?


Literally the opposite

Wednesday tucks Enid's hair behind her ear and slides a finger down her scars


Mhmmm and I bet you think about me naked right?


That's a daily occurrence yes...

Wednesdays phone pings, she looks down at it and smiles before finding Enid's eyes again


I bet sometimes you draw pictures of me... where I'm naked and engaging in sexually explicit activities...?

Enid's smile drops dead




Maybe sometimes I'm in a black wedding dress and you're in a white one? Ever drawn that... Mrs Enid Addams?


I'm gonna fucking kill him

Wednesday laughs and pulls Enid in kissing her neck and cheek


You can't be mad at Michael... look what Yoko just sent me...

She plays a video, we hear Michael


You talking shit about my sister you dumb little fuck?

There's no answer, just the sound of a swinging fist connecting with an eye socket and the thud of a bot hitting the ground. Enid's eyes widen but then she stifles a laugh, burying her face into Wednesday's neck as Wednesday lovingly kisses her forehead

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