I Love You

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Parts and Services

Foxy opened his animatronic eyes. He had to tell them, slowly he reached for his friends. His friends gave him a confused look.

"T-There's s-something I-I n-need t-to t-tell y-you a-all. M-my s-servos d-don't l-lock u-up i-in t-the d-daytime." Foxy explained.

Bonnie was jealous. He doesn't have a face or an arm and he can only think in the daytime! Freddy's voice box wasn't damaged, Chica can still walk without any chance of her servos acting strange, and now Foxy's servos don't lock up!

Foxy walked up to Bonnie and laid a hook on his shoulder.

"D-don't w-worry. I-I'll t-take c-care o-of y-yer l-lassie." Foxy chuckled.

Bonnie was flushed. Mangle wasn't his 'lassie'! She's just a simple friend! Bonnie could see Freddy look angry. Foxy then went closer to Bonnie.

"D-don't w-worry. I-I'll p-protect y-yer l-lassie. F-Freddy F-Fatbear w-will try t-to d-do s-something s-stupid. I-I c-can t-tell." Foxy whispered to Bonnie.

Foxy then heard the Freddy Fazbear theme. Foxy went down the hall to find everyone, even the employee's stare at the 'Toy' Fazbear gang in awe. Foxy took the opportunity to go to Kid's Cove. He hid under the table. He had to watch his 'sister'. They took away his parts to give it to her, so in some way they're related. Foxy just knew Freddy Fat*ss(FOXY! LANGUAGE!) was going to do something stupid. Foxy growled as he thought of all the possibilities. Freddy doesn't like the Toys and he's planning something. Foxy can feel it. Foxy sighed and Mangle perked her ears up.

"Well, kids, do you all want to listen to the Fazbear gang sing songs? Now, you wouldn't want to miss out on that, now would you?" Mangle said.

The kids nodded no and rushed out to see Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Toy Chica perform.

"Why are you here, Foxy? And how are you even here? Bonnie told me that he can't move in the day time."

"I-I c-came t-to w-watch y-ye, l-lass. I-I d-don't e-even k-know h-how I-I c-can m-move." Foxy replied.

"But that still doesn't explain to me why you're here." Mangle said.

"I-I j-just k-know F-Freddy F-Fatbear's g-gonna d-do s-something s-stupid." Foxy explained.

Mangle seemed to be thinking about something, but nodded.

"I-I s-should b-be l-leaving." Foxy said as he left.

Mangle sighed and the kids came back. They started to tear her apart again. Like how they do everyday.

12:00 AM

Mangle was greeted by Foxy. Again.

"F-Follow m-me! F-Freddy m-might g-get s-suspicious i-if B-Bonnie is f-found w-with h-his l-lass!" Foxy said.

Mangle's circuits heated up. Did Bonnie tell Foxy about the voice box incident? And why would Freddy be suspicious of something? Mangle sighed and went to the Main Hallway with Foxy.

Prize Corner

The puppet sat in his box, thinking. All of the security guards must die. It was unforgivable what 'he' did. Yes, he died in the Springtrap suit, but the puppet still felt his presence somewhere in this pizzeria.

Parts and Services

Golden Freddy appeared. All of the animatronics looked at him.

"Goldy?" Freddy gasped.

"G-Goldy! W-What are you doing here?" Chica asked.

Bonnie simply looked at Golden Freddy.

"I've decided to talk to my 'friends'. It's been awhile. After all, we have been together through thick and thin." Golden Freddy said, with a weak smile.

I'll Hold You (Bonnie x Mangle)Where stories live. Discover now