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Foxy stealthily went to Kids Cove. It was just after 6:00 AM, so all the animatronics were in their proper places. Foxy raised his hook and started to misplace wires. Mangle gasped and her mouth fell open and Foxy mercilessly messed with her parts.

Foxy didn't know that Golden Freddy was watching him. Golden Freddy didn't know much about the Toys, but he knew it was wrong. Golden Freddy had to tell Freddy and he knew Bonnie wasn't going to be happy with his friend.

Part's and Services

Freddy was leaning against the wall, as usual. Today was rather tiring. Jeremy lived, sadly and now he has to be switched to the day shift. Hurray! (<-- That my dear reader is sarcasm)

Freddy was sitting across from Bonnie. He hoped he wasn't too harsh on him. Freddy found out about Bonnie's feelings about Mangle. Freddy couldn't stop Bonnie from falling in love with Mangle so Freddy only said one thing. He said: "Don't fall too hard for her.". 

Freddy knew about heartache. He loved someone. Once. He didn't have romantic feelings for that person, just love. He loved a child. That child would visit everyday. One day, he just stopped. What did he do wrong? 

Now, Freddy is alone. Like always. Freddy heard a noise.

"Hello, Freddy." It was Golden Freddy.

"I need to tell you something important. I think it concerns the safety of two animatronics." 

Freddy had a blank face, but on the inside he was panicing.

"It has to do with Mangle and Foxy."

 Bonnie was immediately interested in Golden Freddy ever since he said Mangle's name.

"Foxy has became very insane. I saw him mess with Mangle's wires." 

Bonnie couldn't move his face, but his aura held something strong. Everyone could tell Bonnie was mad. Why didn't Golden Freddy do anything? Why did he just watch Foxy mess with Mangle's wires? Why did Foxy do this to Mangle?

That was one question Bonnie couldn't answer. Mangle did nothing wrong. Well, she did fall in love with Toy Bonnie. Then again, why did Foxy care? Ugh.

Golden Freddy knew what Bonnie was thinking, but what could he do? Foxy is very short-tempered and dangerous. He could easily rip Golden Freddy to shreds.

Kid's Cove

Foxy was gone. He finished doing his dirty work. Now, Mangle was lying on the ground. She was hurt. Why would Foxy do this? Mangle could barely, move. All she felt was the cold air hitting her plastic. Was this the end? No, it can't be. Mangle needed to tell Bonnie. Even if he might not feel the same way, Mangle needed to tell Bonnie that she loved him. 

What could Foxy get out of this, though? Why? Did he even care that this could be the end of Mangle? Would the Toy's care? They were her friends, but no one could replace the feeling Mangle had for Bonnie. If Mangle makes it until morning, Mangle will tell Bonnie how she feels. Like she said before, she needed to tell him.

Main Hall

Foxy was walking to the office. He saw paperwork n the desk.

"A-A n-new n-night g-guard?" Foxy mumbled to himself.

He grinned. A new 'toy' to play around with. The toy will brake, but that is why they get new toys, to entertain the child. Foxy chuckled to himself. How funny. Foxy then went to the Parts and Services room. He sat down with a grin, until he noticed Golden Freddy.

Foxy knew that Golden Freddy was trouble. He watched his friends just stare at Foxy. Even Golden Freddy seemed tensed when Foxy shot him a glare. Bonnie seemed angry and Chica simply looked at him in fear. Freddy gave Foxy a disappointed look. Golden Freddy must've told them! 

That's why they were staring at him weirdly! That's why Golden Freddy was here!

"S-So, y-ye l-like t-to t-tell? D-Do y-you k-know w-what p-pirates d-do t-to c-crew m-mates t-that l-like t-to t-tell?" Foxy said.

His voice was ominous and Foxy seemed to raise his hook. 

"That's enough." The puppet growled.

Everyone went to stare at the puppet.

"How did you get here?" Golden Freddy asked.

"Threw the door. I said if anyone wakes me from my sleep, it will be the last thing they do. I was serious on that part. Now both of you shut up and let me get some sleep. Don't think what you've done was unnoticed, Foxy." The puppet growled.

Foxy narrowed his eyes, but sat down in his usual place. Golden Freddy looked gratefully at the puppet. He stopped Foxy from attacking him and hopefully he fixed Mangle. 

A couple hours later

Somewhere in the pizzeria

The boss was tired. Many things were happening today. Jeremy had to change to the day shift, there was this big birthday party, and the new night guard had to sign the contract. Poor soul. He doesn't know what dark secret this place holds. 

The boss then heard footsteps. He saw Scott, the manager.

"The birthday boy arrived." Scott said.

The boss sighed and nodded.

"You know what to do. Give him the Birthday Special."

Scott blinked and hurriedly went to the birthday boy, leaving the boss to himself in thought. Today was an important day. November 14, 1987. He was finally able to make that one kid happy. He thought maybe if he made every child happy, the nightmare's would stop. This one child could stop all of that.

Part's and Services

Foxy grinned. Today was the day his plan was going to succeed. Mangle was going to pay for what she did to Bonnie. Bonnie should have someone better than Mangle. 

Freddy looked at Foxy. He could see the insane look in his eyes. He knew everything was going the way he wanted to. If only Freddy knew what Foxy planned. 

Bonnie looked worried. He knew Foxy. Foxy was Bonnie's best friend! How could he betray him?!? Why? What if Mangle got hurt? Bonnie felt like bashing his head against the wall. Mangle was his undead life. He loved her, even if she doesn't love him. Now, Foxy, his best friend, willingly messed with Mangle? Why was Bonnie's life like this? I guess that's one perk in not being a human. Robots barely have to 'live' and they barely feel. 

Bonnie knew he had to tell her, even if she will reject him. He needed to tell her that he loved her.

Hey, dear reader! I just wanted to say this story will probably end in about three chapters. And you can guess who the new night guard is ^.^. Well anyway, I just hope you catch the hints that will lead to the next chapter! Vote, comment, and have a good day or night, my dear reader! :)

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