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Kid's Cove

Mangle was waiting for Foxy. The kids always leave her to see the Fazbear gang. Foxy finally arrived.

"Foxy, can you hold a secret?" Mangle said.

"A-Aye, O-Ol' F-Foxy c-can h-hold s-secrets." Foxy replied.

Mangle sighed she didn't know how to say this. She tried so hard to word it correctly.

"I'm in love with Bon-" Mangle was caught of by Toy Chica.

"I knew you love BonBon! You two are my OTP! I should totally set you up with him! Wait, what is that doing here? Never mind. He seems cute enough." Toy Chica winked at Foxy. 

"What are you doing here, Toy Chica?!? I don't like Toy Bonnie!" Mangle was angry. How dare Toy Chica just walk in like she owned the place?!? Also, wasn't she just on stage?!?

"Don't deny it! You love him!" Toy Chica squealed. 

Mangle looked angry. Mangle then looked at Foxy. He had a face of disappointment. 

"Foxy, I don't like Toy Bonnie." Foxy looked up at her a bit, but growled.

"Y-Ye s-should s-stop w-with t-tis l-lying, L-Lass. A-After a-all, y-ye b-be a-a T-Toy." Foxy seemed so upset.

Mangle tried to make Foxy understand.

"I don't-" Once again, Toy Chica interrupted Mangle.

"She's right!" Foxy perked up his ears, wishing that Toy Chica was lying.

He wished he heard Mangle say she was in love with Bonnie. Bonnie was Foxy's best friend. He knew that Bonnie liked- no loved Mangle. He heard Bonnie say it in the morning. Bonnie would be heart broken if he finds out Mangle liked his counterpart. The one who replaced him, the one who called him old, the one who hates him. As Foxy kept thinking that, he couldn't help but feel as if Mangle talked about Foxy behind his back.

Mangle replaced him. Foxy was used for her. Mangle was made to be better then Foxy. She was a Toy. She is just a replacement!

"Toy Foxy loves BonBon!" Toy Chica squealed.

Those four little words were the words that determined Foxy's actions. Foxy lunged at Toy Chica. He stuck his fangs into her beak and ripped it off.

Toy Chica gasped. 

"How dare you do this to me?!?" Toy Chica then stormed off to the Show Stage.

"Why did you do that to Toy Chica?" Mangle asked, a little angry at Foxy.

Toy Chica was the only Toy animatronic that actually talked to Mangle. Toy Freddy didn't have time for her and Toy Bonnie is...very special. Mangle swore she caught him talking to his guitar. Mangle avoids him now since she saw him talking to it. Toy Chica was another girl, so they would often just sit and talk. Mangle knew it was because Toy Chica pitied her, but Mangle needs someone to talk to when her withered friends couldn't come. Since they've been talking, Toy Chica and Mangle had become closer.

"S-She w-was l-lying!!! O-Or d-do y-ye l-love t-the b-blue b-bunny!!!" Foxy growled. 

Mangle was speechless. 

"No, I-" Foxy pushed her away and left. 

Foxy was going to tell Bonnie everything. He didn't want his friend to fall for a liar.

Parts and Services

Foxy stormed into the room. He grabbed Bonnie and forcefully made him sit next to him.

"I-I h-heard w-what y-ye s-said a-at n-night. I-I k-know y-ye l-love M-Mangle. T-There i-is g-good n-news a-and b-bad n-news. W-Which d-do y-ye w-want t-to h-hear f-first?" Foxy asked.

Foxy waited for Bonnie's reply, but he forgot Bonnie couldn't talk.

"T-The b-bad n-news t-tis t-that M-Mangle t-tis i-in l-love w-with T-Toy B-Bonnie." As Foxy said this, he could see his animatronic bunny friend tense. She will pay for what she's doing to him. 

"T-The g-good n-news t-tis t-that w-we're g-going t-to g-get r-revenge. " Foxy's animatronic voice became ominous.

Bonnie knew this wouldn't turn out good. He knew what Foxy was capable of. He didn't care if Mangle didn't like him. He just wanted her to be happy. Isn't that what love is? Bonnie knew his animatronic parts were hurting. He loved her and as much as it hurts him, Toy Bonnie makes her happy. 

Somewhere in the pizzeria

Golden Freddy heard about Foxy ripping out Toy Chica's beak. He knew Mangle didn't love Toy Bonnie. Golden Freddy also knows that Foxy was going to do something stupid. He didn't know what it was, but Golden Freddy could feel it and he didn't like it.

Parts and Services

Foxy knew what he was going to do. When the kids birthday party takes place well... lets say it won't be pretty. How dare she do that to Bonnie?!? Why does the world hate his friend? Foxy will avenge Bonnie. For everything that has happened to him. They took away his face, his arm, and now Mangle is rejecting Bonnie's love? Foxy wants to help his friend. 

Bonnie knew Foxy wasn't himself. Foxy was pacing the room, growling curses. Bonnie wish he could talk. He wants to tell Foxy it's alright. Bonnie wished he could understand that Bonnie is strong. He can handle rejection. Life's not fair and both of them know that. How come after death, Foxy doesn't accept that life will never go their ways. 

Kid's Cove

Foxy must've told Bonnie the lie! Mangle felt like curling up into a ball and being discontinued. She just lost the first friend she ever made. And all because of a dumb lie! Why did horrible things always happened to her? Kids ripped her apart everyday, Toy Chica is setting her up with someone she doesn't love, and now she lost her first friend which is the animatronic she loves. 

Show Stage

Toy Chica put her beak back on, trying to not scare the kids. She then motioned Toy Bonnie towards her.

"I think Mangle is in love with you! She basically confessed!" Toy Chica squealed.

Toy Bonnie looked confused.

"Are you sure? We don't talk and I don't really know her as well as a friend should." Toy Bonnie said.

"Well that's why you should talk to her!" Toy Chica grinned.

"Stop that. You scare me when you grin like that." Toy Bonnie said.

Toy Chica rolled her plastic eyes, but stopped grinning. Toy Freddy gave them a look which meant they had to get on the stage. 

"I guess I'll try to talk to her. Maybe we'll have a lot of things in common!" Toy Bonnie smiled and they both went up to the show stage.

Part's and Services

Bonnie hoped everything turned out good. He hopes Foxy doesn't do anything drastic and that Mangle will be happy with Toy Bonnie, no matter how much it hurt him.

WHY?!? I DON'T LIKE YOU FOXY AND TOY CHICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!? Oh wait... I forgot I am the author. :) well don't worry, BANGLE WILL LIVE ONE!!!!!!!! SPREAD THE BANGLE GERMS!!!!!

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