Weed Distraction

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Chatterbox lays awake, looking at the particles floating through the air from the sun beams coming through the fun house windows.

"She loves me!" He smiles. He couldn't wait for the day she could kiss him. Say she loves him, reaching his hand up, pushing her hair out of her face, and say, "I love you too!".

"It'll come when it's time! But for now, I got yuckin' things to do!"

Chatterbox throwing his legs to the side of the bed, reaching for his incombering mask, sees a note a top of it on the nightstand.
"Oh yuck." His heart sank, "she wouldn't have kissed me and snuggled on me if she was going to break up with me in a yucking letter, right?"

He reached over, almost watching his hand reaching for the letter as if his soul had left his body. He saw the color of his hand, realizing his gloves were in his pocket.
He shakes his head as if to refocus his mind. "Pick it up, Chatterbox, save yourself from having to wait and wait for her never to come back." Chatterbox sighs.
"What the fuck happened to you?"

Chatterbox yanks his head around almost pulling out Cup's knife to see kirk standing in the doorway.
"Holy yuck, you scared me, Kirk. What the yuck are you doing!?"

"Oh nothing, just came by, to come up here and see how much action you got last night since Tessa said you and cups stayed in the same fuckin bed!"

"Go the yuck away Kirk, it's none of your yucking business anyway, but for your yucking information nothing yucking happened!"

"Well where is she then? She done skipped town like a train robber running from the po'lice man that was eatin'' a donut while chasin' her? Then he gave up and took a nap instead?"

"Gah, no Kirk, she'll be back on yuckin' Friday, she had to go to yuckin' Texas!"

"Texas? What the fuck is in Texas. Ohhh she gonna go ride her a real cowboy I gotcha!"

"Kiiiirk! NO! She went to see the horses! Which strangly sound like sheep." Chatterbox laughs remembering the moment.

"Eh I'm just playin' man. But dude she really got your reeled in like a fish floppin' on the shore line for you took that mask of for her."

"Yuck! I forgot I didn't have it yuckin' on!!!"

Chatterbox quickly grabs his mask and puts it back on.

"You ain't gotta put that back on Chatty. I know what your goddamned face looks like, but spill the tea brother. What'd she say when you took it off. I mean she prolly like me and thinking your handsome as fuck!"

Kirk sat down on the side of the bed like a little school girl wanting to know about her best friends first kiss.

"Not gonna lie Kirk Cups was real yucked up the last few days man."

"Whatcha mean Bub, I mean is there someone we gotta kill, cause I'm all fuckin' in for that shit. Just say the word Chatty."

"Nope. She's just in her own yuckin head. She can't shake the nightmares of her yuckin parents leaving. All her past relationships, she keeps having dreams about me dying. She's yucked up..."

"Hiccups is having nightmares?"

"Yuckin scared the Yuck out of me the the other day. She was dreaming about being told I was yucking dead, and she almost died in her yuckin sleep. I had to force her awake and to breath."

"Fuck it.... I'm callin it dude that girls in fuckin' love with you!"

"I'm not sure Kirk, but, I, I'm sure I love her!"
"Awwwww my best friend is in love! Chatttttyy!"
Kirk stands up and begins dancing around the room "Cups and Chatty sittin' in a tree, K I S S I N G....."

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