Safe House

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Ray Mond and Chatty are still in "Their Room." Chatty, had just heard all of the interesting information about the Bonbon meeting.
Chatty interrupts the silence, "So uh, um Cups?"
"Huh?" Chatty could tell that she was reeling in thought.
"Whatcha thinking about Cups?

"Um, well, I'm just trying to make sure that I heard you correctly, You said the L word?"

Chatterbox sighes, "What do you mean, there's a lot of words that start with L, Cups?"
Ray Mond giggles. "Yeah, but you said a particular L word!"
Chatterbox continues to poke fun at her because he already knows she's already surprised. Well, I didn't call you a "Loser" Cause I would never do that Cups. "No, Chatty, that's not what I mean, You said a different word, kinda the same as Like you but L L L L. "Well, you're not lonely because I've been with you all yucking day?"

Ray Mond continues to giggle, and knowing the tension has been broken says, "Did you say you lov... You lov... You love me? "Oh yeah, I said that because I do Cups!"

"Oh, um, okay."
"I'm sorry I can't say it back right now, Chatty." Ray Mond starts to panic.
"Ray, look back over here, I already yucking told you, I am not expecting it to be said back."
"I've wanted to tell you that for a while, but I thought it was too soon. I didn't want to scare you away. But last night when you said you were afraid of me, and then today when you actually were afraid to come into this house because you were trying to yucking protect me and the clowns. I knew it was time for you to hear it. I need you to know how I feel, even if you're not ready to feel the same. It's gonna be OKAY!"

"What if, what if I can never say it?"
"Well Idk cups, that might be a problem...?"
"See, see! I told you I'm not good for you! See, I'm going to hurt you. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO MEE!!!"
Chatterbox chuckles before he says. "I mean, I'm not gonna lie, You are a little toxic!"
"Excuse you??!! Well, why don't you just leave me then, just go ahead, C H A T T E R B BOX Leave me. I will be okay
"Cups, Cups, Cups, Chiiiilll, you're so cute when you're flustered. I love it!"

"Stop trying to make me smile, Chatty. I'm mad at you!"
"Oh yeah, how mad, are you Cups? Huh?" "CHATTY!!!"
Chatterbox continues to haunt her, running around the room!

Ray Mond proceeds to throw the weighted blacket off of her shoulders, jumps out of the bed, pulls her wrench, smiles the biggest smile, and smacks chatterbox right on the head.

Chatterbox, now laying on the floor, "What the Yuck CUPS! You HIT ME WITH THE YUCKING WRENCH! Owww MY FACEEE!"
"CUPS! CUPS! HELP ME THE YUCK UP!" Ray Mond is running in circles giggling.

"That's how mad I am, Chatty. Ya know, sometimes I just want to hit you!"

"Oh, sometimes you just wanna hit me, huh?" Chatterbox chuckles as he speaks.
"Ya know, Ray!......sometimes I just wanna.... ahhhh. You're something else Cups!" He slowly attempts to get up from the floor, immediately falling again.
Ray pauses, realizing what Chatty had just said. "Sometimes you want to what Chatterbox?" Ray Mond taunts.
"Hit me with a wrench?"
Chatterbox smiles, "What!!! No!"

"Then what ya wanna do Chatty?"
She says laughing running around in a circle in true Ray Mond form.

"I would love to tell you, but uh, Cups, I think I need to go to the hospital, CUUUPS!"

"Fuck, I hit you that hard!"
"Yes Cups!" He laughs, "I cannot get up, which would be vital for my day to continue, can you take me to the hospital, and promise not to do that yuck again until I'm prepared!"

"I can't make that promise!" Cups giggles. "I will take you to get fixed though Chatty!"

A quick ride to the hospital, ends with Ray Mond parked on the sidewalk.

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