chapter 10

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((Jessica's P.O.V))
Tuesday had come and gone, and let me just say it was one hell of a boring day. The amount of homework I had got given was unbelievable. I spent most of Tuesday night completing the pile and as a result from that today I was exhausted. As mentioned Tuesday was uneventful, I literally found myself nearly falling asleep in another lesson and we all know that wouldn't have ended well.
It's now Wednesday, the day I have my detention. I'm currently sat in last lesson, listening to the art teacher blabber on about mixing colours together and what colours work well with each other. To be honest this is the part of art I dislike. I enjoy creating the things we do in art and it can be very enjoyable but when it comes to the technical stuff like this....I hate it. I see art as something you do to express things; I would rather just experiment with colours and techniques instead of having to think about it.
I glanced up at the clock, 5 minutes to go, 5 minutes before the bell goes and I have to make my way down to the canteen. The only thing about this detention I am looking forward to is the fact Roger is supervising it, which is all.
I looked around the classroom, only to see that almost all the class had lost interest in our teachers 'colour tutorial'. But as soon as the bell went everyone's expressions changed, a mixture of relief and happiness now begin shown. The class was empty in seconds, everyone leaving and wanting to get home to enjoy the sun that had sprouted these last few days.
Slowly I left the class, not in any rush. I made my way around the maze we call school and too the canteen. I could already see Mr Taylor and the back of someone else's head as I approached the canteen doors. I pushed open one of the two heavy doors and entered, causing both people to turn around.
I was surprised to see that veronica, an old friend of mine, was the person who would be helping with this dreadful duty.
Veronica is a short girl, her height begin about 5'3. She has short died red hair as well as brown eyes. As kids we used to hang around all the time, laughing and joking, talking and telling each other secrets. However, ever since year 8 we began to grow apart. She began hanging out with other people and so did I; we both changed and just didn't fit together anymore. I also began to lose my trust in her, which was where it officially ended.
All three of us stood in silence for a while, not really knowing what to do in this situation.
"Jess, how are you?" veronica spoke, a smile creeping across her face.
"I'm good, yeah I'm good how are you?" I said, feeling slightly awkward in this situation
"I'm great" another thing about veronica is that she doesn't seem right. There is something strange about her and I swear if you look in her eyes closely you can see a hint of crazy.... I'm not lying.
"Okay, let's get on with it shall we ladies" Mr Taylor spoke. Following his instructions I took of my bag and the jacket Roger had given me, putting them both on an empty table out of the way. I walked over to the massive sink, picking up one of the two washcloths and beginning to fill the sink with warm soapy water. I began getting to work, wanting to complete this as quickly as possible.
We had gotten halfway through the stack of dishes when veronica left to use the toilet. I immediately took the chance to have a little break. I spun around to face Roger; glad we were alone right now.
I took of the pink rubber gloves I had been wearing and began to approach him. A smirk present on my face, mirroring the one plastered on his. I looked around, making sure no-one was around before I connected our lips in a passionate kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around my waist as the kiss deepened. Both desperate to breath we pulled away, our foreheads pressed together as our breath could be felt on each other's lips. No words were spoken as we stared into each other's eyes, a wide smile on each of our faces.
I pulled away from our embrace, walking over to the table where I had placed down the rubber gloves. I walked back over to the sink, my back now facing Roger. I put the gloves back on and started washing up again, the sooner they were finished the sooner I could leave school.
I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as I continued to scrub a dish. Gently placing the dish down I turned around, splashing Roger with water. I burst out laughing at the look of pure shock on Roger's face.
"Oh I'll get you for that" he said, dipping his hands in the sink and splashing me back. I squealed, the freezing water hitting me. We continued to mess around, chasing each other around the canteen as we splashed each other with water.
I heard awkward coughing from behind me; I turned around to see veronica stood there, clearly back from the toilets. I turned back to Roger who looked as though he wanted to laugh.
"I'm just going to go clean myself up a bit, ladies please get back to work" he said before leaving, giving me a smile and a wink as he walked by.
"okay, let's do this" veronica said, to enthusiastically for my liking. I followed her towards the sink. I picked up a dish and began cleaning yet again.
"Jess why did we stop hanging out?" she asked out of the blue, I didn't know how to answer...or how she would react to my answer.
"we just grew apart" I spoke softly, keeping my eyes focused on the dish I was cleaning.
"I felt betrayed when we stopped hanging out" I didn't know how to answer this either. We had been friends for years but it was true, we grew apart. Though I didn't think it affected veronica this much, she had other friends.
"we grew apart veronica, that's all that happen"
"you left me, for the people you hang around with now" she said, her voice slightly rising. I truly didn't think she could be this clingy or emotional... she was acting as though we were a couple and I broke her heart.
"We grew apart, I didn't leave you. I lost my trust in you. I couldn't be close to someone I didn't trust" I said, turning towards her, I took of the rubber gloves as we faced each other; the length of a table between us.
"You lost trust in me?! What the hell did I do for that to happen?!" she freaked, it was at that moment I noticed the sharp knife she held in her hand. I failed to notice it earlier and I regret that.
"I couldn't tell you anything, I still can't. I'm too scared you will tell someone else. It happened many times before. I would tell you something personal and next thing I know thirty odd people know. You are holding a knife right now and I worry that you would hurt me. If I trusted you I wouldn't think that you would actually hurt me" It was true. Inside I was freaking...shitting myself. Any moment she could lunge forward and that knife could be in my stomach.
"you could have told me, we could have fixed really hurt me Jess" the craziness I had spotted earlier was shining through. She took a step closer, knife still in hand. I stepped back, not feeling at all comfortable right now. I could feel myself beginning to shake with fear as she took yet another step forward.

((Roger's P.O.V))
I walked back into the canteen, my shirt still slightly wet from the incident with Jess. But as I walked into the canteen my eyes widened with shock and my heart began to beat against my chest. The sight before me was terrifying and I worried for jess's safety. There she stood, shivering with fear as veronica stood before her, a knife in hand which pointed towards jess in a threatening way. Every time veronica took a step forward jess would take one back.
"Veronica put the knife down" I said, slowly walking further into the canteen, my heart racing but somehow I managed to stay calm.
"You won't be in any trouble, just hand me the knife and everything will be over" my voice was gentle as I took slow and small steps, approaching them slowly. I could see in jess's eyes that she was scared and worried.
"but it won't be over, nothing never is. It will come back and everything will start over again" she said turning to me before turning back and facing jess. Jess took one final step back before she hit a wall, she was trapped. Veronica continued to approach her, the hand which held the knife was shaking...she was scared.
"You scared veronica. You have never stabbed anyone before, your shaking look at yourself. If you drop that knife right now we can help you" I said, trying my best to convince her. My heart was pounding and I guessed jess felt the same. I could see her shaking, all I wanted to do was help her, comfort her and tell her it was okay. But right now I wasn't sure if it was okay.
Before another word was said veronica lunge forward and my nightmare had just come true. The knife went straight into jess's stomach as she let out a cry of pain. Veronica pulled the knife out before dropping it to the floor.
I watched as jess collapsed to the floor, her mouth open and her hands covering her wounds. I rushed towards her, kneeling down beside her and pressing my hands on the wound that was now bleeding profusely. A tear slipped from the corner of my eye as I stared into hers.
I turned to veronica who was stood in shock, her eyes wide and not believing what she had done.
"go get someone, there is a meeting upstairs where everyone will be" I said to her, but she still didn't move.
"I SAID GO" I shouted, worried that jess would slip away right here on the canteen floor. Veronica ran off going to get someone else.
"Right, keep your hands pressed on that" I said, placing her hand on the wound, she obeyed, whimpering in pain.
I stood up, rushing towards the emergency phone the school kept in the canteen. I quickly dialled 999, asking for an ambulance and explaining the situation as well as giving them our location. The women on the other end told me someone would be here soon.
I quickly hung up, rushing back towards jess and placing my already blood covered hands back on the wound. Tears began to roll down my cheeks.
"its gonna be okay jess" I said, pecking her lips as no-one was around. She smiled slightly before mumbling...
"I hope soo" I watched as her eyes slowly fluttered closed. She tried her hardest to keep them open yet failed. I took one hand off her wound only to slightly tap her cheek.
"come on, stay with me, stay with me" I cried. But it was no use, I quickly cheeked her pulse, relieved to be able to feel one, it was weak but it was there.
Seconds later the ambulance crew rushed in as well as two other teachers, yet veronica was no-where in sight.
I stood up from beside jess, allowing the paramedics to take over and help her. I watched as they gave her oxygen and pain killers before putting her on a stretcher.
"what happened?" the head master asked, noticing my tear stained cheeks and the young girl led on the stretcher, paramedic helping her the best they could.
"veronica stabbed her...i don't want to talk about it" I mumbled
"you understand I will have to get you to right a report on the incident" he asked
"I understand, I will do it as soon as possible and place it on your desk"
"Thank you, now go with her" he said, patting me on the shoulder, his eyes softening.
I followed the paramedics as they pushed Jessica out of the building and into the ambulance. Not caring if they wanted me to or not I climbed into the ambulance, taking a seat next to where jess laid. They didn't say anything, a paramedic climbed into the back as well as the other closed the door, walking around and climbing into the driver's seat. They started the engine and the journey to the hospital began. I just prayed jess would be okay.

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