Chapter 20

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((Roger's P.O.V))
It has been quiet sometime since that great day....that great sleepover. Nothing has changed between us, though I have been left with the thought of intimacy that I continue to push to the back of my mind. Intimacy wasn't needed in a relationship for the relationship to be successful...not that I didn't want to be intimate mind you. But Jessica was a virgin and I didn't want to push her. When the time is right we will, but it doesn't matter when.
As I said it has been some time since that day. the day after had been rather awkward- though I suspect that was because it played within both of our minds, leaving us thinking and wondering about the whole situation...the awkwardness didn't last longer than 24 hours though and soon it was as though nothing happened.
We continued on with our tutoring sessions as normal and jess has vastly improved in biology. From what I have heard she has also been slowly improving in other subjects, especially English. Not a lot has happened within the school recently- it has been rather boring in fact. Being the amazing girlfriend she is, jess has continued to help me plan my lessons. The lessons have been found rather entertaining by my students and to be honest I'm glad about that. I don't want to be the teacher which students dread their lessons...and I don't think I've turned into that.
Each and every day Jess walks through my classroom door I am amazed at her beauty and I swear to god I fall more and more in love with her every day. I never get tired of her voice and I am always craving her company...the relation and attachment I have with Jess is somewhat indescribable.
Anyway, we are now into the first week of December and Christmas is swiftly approaching- though not as fast as I had hoped. I am rather excited, I love the winter, and I love Christmas. Just imagine- Christmas presents under the tree, the fire crackling as the snow settles outside the window. Cuddling by the fire as you munch on freshly baked Christmas cookies...being with the people you love and not having to worry about a thing. Having a good time and spending it with the ones you chose to be with- the ones you love the most. It will be my first Christmas with Jess and yet another Christmas with the boys.....I always find this time of the year both entertaining and exciting.
My only problem is I have done absolutely no Christmas shopping and better yet, I have no clue what to buy anyone for clue at all. Why is it so difficult to come up with meaningful gifts to buy others for Christmas? I find it undoubtedly frustrating.
Though now I must say goodbye to you beautiful readers as my day is about to begin. I shall had you over to Jess who shall tell the story of this joyous day.
((Jessica's P.O.V))
Another day, another boring day...the highlight being lunch time when the love of my life will come into view...well, when I visit Roger at lunch.
Like any other morning I had slipped on some clothes...which tend to compliment me thanks to my new clothing range. Before heading downstairs to grab a drink. Thanks to the eating problem I suffered with only a few weeks ago I can no-longer eat breakfast..My stomach no-longer being able to handle it.
After chugging down a glass of juice, having a brief conversation with my mother, I had slipped into some square heeled boots- slipped on my jacket and flung my bag over my shoulder before leaving the house.
I now find myself walking through the quiet streets- making my way to school. It is actually surprisingly quiet for a school day; usually the streets are crawling with students making their way to school, reluctant and wanting nothing more than to go back home and jump back into bed. Maybe they had finally given in to reluctance? Or was I just earlier than usual?
School is somewhat more of a home to me now. Not because I spend so much time there...well that's one reason- but rather because the ones I love is there. Our school is more like a family; most people get along with each other and everyone has each other's back...most of the time.
In other news I am now a regular guest at Roger's...well, the boys' apartment. The tutoring lessons have continued though as time passes they are needed less- so usually after an hour of studying you will find both Roger and I curled up on the sofa- doing anything that comes to mind. You may be thinking, why don't you stop the sessions if they are no-longer needed? The answer to that would be, I am not the greatest they do still help, and each session gives me the opportunity to spend more time with Roger, which I am extremely grateful for.
Anyway, after 10/15 minutes I finally stepped foot on the school grounds. Instead of the area being deserted I discovered that almost everyone was already here- waiting for the school doors to open and the day to begin. Okay maybe I'm later than usual?
Though that didn't dim my sprits at all. Today I was feeling rather confident- instead of my shy, reluctant self. Wearing my black heeled ankle boots, skinny jeans and a t-shirt with my favourite jacket- I felt rather pleased with the way I looked and I was ready to face the day. I had my hair down in an attempt to cover the marks on my neck which Roger had recently left and I was wearing absolutely no make-up...feeling no need to cover or change my appearance in anyway. To sum up I felt great, today was going to be a good day.
A hint of disappointment had invaded me however. The reason behind that was I hadn't been scheduled Roger's class today. Instead I had to suffer through music, maths, physics, geography and childcare. Though I knew lunch would soon approach and the chance to see my loved one would arrive....hopefully quickly.
The sound of the bell snapped me out of my thought. It was finally lunchtime and how today had dragged. I let out a sigh of relief as I packed up my stuff and made my way out of the classroom. The journey to my next destination began- Roger's classroom.
As I said, today had been one hell of a long day. Longer than any other I have had to endure for a long time. This is how my day went:
Music, the one class I have always enjoyed. Mostly because I can sit in the corner and not participate. The reasons I prefer not to take part in any activity within music is, One: I'm too scared to sing or play any instrument in front of anyone and two: I'm too scared be judged or to mess up whilst I participate. However, today was different. I had been given the opportunity to leave the class and have a private singing lesson with one of the schools singing instructors. I was actually looking forward to it...that was until we began the lesson. After the instructor had chosen a song for us to use for the day, I began the agonising lesson of singing the song over and over and over again. I was forced to push my voice to the limit, leaving me to discover things I never thought I could do. And I hated it- totally despised it. It left me with a sore throat and I wasn't able to speak for the majority of the day. Thankfully my voice returned during third lesson and I was able to speak. I learnt one thing in that lesson...I would never accept the offer again.
Maths, just like always was boring. I didn't understand a thing that was being said but as always I pushed through it and tried my best. Annoying the people around me as I constant asked them for left.
Break had come and gone- not giving me the chance to even have a bite of my apple.
Physics was third, a lesson that actually intrigued me. The thought of discovering the universe interests me (the topic we were currently studying).
Then geography came around, looking at waterfalls and discussing how they are formed and how they retreat over the years because of the erosion that takes place can be interesting at first, but after a while it quickly becomes uninteresting and like always I found myself staring into space.
But thankfully it's now lunch...the freedom to do what I want and have a break from learning. I had been wandering the school corridors for several minutes before I came upon Roger's classroom. The door was closed and this part of the school seemed to be completely abandoned.
I adjusted my backpack strap on my shoulder as I reached for the door, knocking lightly and waiting for a reply. After hearing a soft voice shout 'com in' I opened the door. Closing it behind me and making my way over to the usual desk I sit on. As always Roger was sat at his desk, a wide smile on his face- his big blue eyes sparkling and a rather happy expression on his sweet innocent face.
((Roger's P.O.V))
"What are you so happy about?" Jess asked, though she seemed to absorb my excitement as she now sat with a wide smile on her face as well.
"Aren't you excited?...Christmas is in less than two weeks. School shall soon be over and the Christmas cheer will be released" I said, standing up from my desk and waving my arms around like a madman.
At the mention of Christmas Jess's face saddened and she looked down into her lap where her fingers fought against each other. My smile instantly faded and I made my way over to her.
With my hands on either side of her face I lifted her head. My eyes locking in a stare with hers. My face was now one of concern as I looked at her saddened expression.
"What's wrong?" I asked- my voice laced with worry and sadness.
"I'm alone on Christmas. My parents are going on some trip to America. I can't remember what it for exactly all I remember is the fact that I won't be going and on Christmas day whilst everyone is with their family I'll be at home- stuffing my face with a ready meal" my heart broke as I imagined Jess sat alone on Christmas day, tears streaming down her face because she's alone...Christmas isn't supposed to be like that, it's supposed to be a cheery time, with laughter and love.
It was as though a light bulb flashed within my mind. I wanted to spend Christmas with the ones I love and that included Jess. I wanted Christmas to be perfect this year and in no-way did I want Jess to be sad and alone...the thing that was about to leave my mouth seemed almost perfect.
"Spend Christmas with me?" I have stated, half asked.
"What do you mean?" she questioned, seeming slightly sceptical.
" When do your parents leave?
"Christmas eve day"
"And when do they get back?" I asked, I had now moved my hands off her cheeks. I was now pacing around the room, getting rather excited about spending Christmas with my amazing girlfriend.
"The day before new years I think" she thought
"Well- come stay with us for Christmas. The boys won't mind they absolutely love to have you around. And we will have so much fun" I continued...
"Leave your house and come to mine maybe an hour after your parents have left. You can stay at mine for a while and we can celebrate Christmas together. Then you can leave the day before your parents get back or something like that...whatever you want" I was overly excited about this now...practically jumping up and down at the thought of it.
"Roger that's a great idea" she mumbled as she leaned forward. Locking our lips in a loving kiss. We pulled apart for a moment..
"This Christmas is truly gonna be the greatest" she said before leaning forward again, for a short kiss this time.
It truly was gonna be a wonderful Christmas...and it couldn't get here fast enough.

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