chapter 17

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Hey guys,
Sorry for the long wait for this update I do apologise. Any way I hope you enjoy it and please don't wake fun of it. I'm sorry if it's sappy or cliché. But please yeah don't make fun of it...that goes for you Ellesse. Anyway please vote and comment thank you

((Jessica' P.O.V))
Two weeks have passed since the extra tutoring has begun and my grades in biology have slowly begun to raise which both me and Roger are pleased about. Personally not much has happened in those two weeks. As mentioned before every lunch time I visit Roger, spending my lunch talking to him and well eating. My eating as continued to improve though I still don't like the way I look and my scar makes me very self conscious...I'm worried for when bikini season comes into town. Anyway, I have been having tutoring lessons twice a week now...every Monday and Thursday, we have picked those day to work around Roger's timetable...with the band and school meeting and such. It has become a regular thing of me helping him plan his lessons and he has even had a few compliments off his students in the younger year, telling him his lessons are rather fun. Anyways every Friday night I have gone to watch Roger at his has become a regular thing and more of a routine. Though when I'm not spending time with Roger I'm with the girls...having sleepovers or just hanging out.
My mother and father have been working a lot and I have hardly seen them. Though that doesn't bother me too much. Ohh....Ellesse and Joe have stopped speaking to each other, for reasons I'm unaware of...she doesn't seem to hurt by it though.
Anyways, today is a Thursday and I have another tutoring lesson after school. Though I don't have Roger's lesson today which is rather disappointing...I always look forward to his classes though I never get anything done. I always find myself staring at him, getting lost in those big blue sparkly eyes and being mesmerized by that perfect smile of's something I can help...the mere presence of him makes me feel all warm mind goes blurry and my heart beats twice as's a feeling you will only know if you have experienced it....and it's a feeling I savour.
Sadly its only currently third lesson and I sit here in maths, bored out of my mind...though I am beginning to understand the work better than before, but not perfectly. The teacher is currently stood at the front of the class blabbering on about something.
First and second lesson had flown by but now it feels as though the day is dragging. Next lesson is English and I'm personally not looking forward to it....but we are doing poetry, it's not as bad as the Shakespeare we were looking at.
The bell rings and I lazily begin to pack up, stuffing everything into my bag before grabbing my jacket and leaving. If you haven't already guessed the jacket I'm wearing is Roger''s my favourite jacket and always seems to smell like him.
I walked into English and took a seat where I usually sit. Pulling out my book and pencil case, waiting  for the teacher to start....hoping we will do something interesting.
"Today...we are going to be actually writing poetry. I thought it would be better to experience poetry rather than analyse it" some groans could be heard throughout the classroom...but this activity actually intrigued me.
"Okay, so I want you to write a poem about well could be love, loss, or hope. I want to be able to feel the emotion. Maybe there's someone in your life that has a big impact on you, or someone you deeply love... use that as inspiration...okay get to work" and with that the teacher took a seat at his desk...finishing up some sort of paper work or marking.
I immediately began writing inspiration being someone that now sat closely to my heart.
It hadn't taken long before everyone had finished their poems. We had all handed them to the teacher and he had marked them. He was now coming around the class handing them back out with grades on them. But he stopped....with one left in his hand....that one being mine.
"you all wrote fantastic poems...but there's one that really stood out to me and id like that person to read it out loud to the class" my heart pounded knowing that it was mine, seeing as he hadn't handed mine back to me.
"But first I want Dylan to read his out to everyone" I sighed in relief...glad I had an opportunity to compose myself. Dylan, a boy in the class, walked up to the front of the class room and began to read his poem. It didn't take him long before he had was my turn.
"Jess will you come and read your poem now" I stood up at the front of the class, paper in hand...which the teacher had just handed me...this was it, I hate standing in front of everyone but there was no backing out now.
((Roger's P.O.V))
With some paper work in hand I made my way down the English corridor...ready to give the work to the teacher that wanted it. Once I reached the class room I stood in the doorway, surprised to see Jess stood at the front of the class...actually talking...
"Okay, this poem doesn't have a title, but the inspiration was someone special" and with that she begun. ((A/N: OKAY I ACTUALLY WROTE THIS POEM. I KNOW IT'S NOT GREAT BUT OH WELL))
My mind races as I think of you,
and my heart beat that bit faster,
it is always when you are at my side,
it's as though you are my master

I'm in love with my teacherWhere stories live. Discover now