chapter 19

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((Jessica's P.O.V))
I awoke to a hand gently combing through my hair. My eyes remained closed as I let out a sigh of content. The smell of Roger filled my nostrils, he always smelt as though he had just got out of the shower, mixed with cigarettes and the cologne he wore. As I led there, I completely gave in to the relaxation around me, feeling content as I curled up to Roger...not wanting this moment to end.
My head raised and declined with every breath Roger took. We must have changed positions throughout the night since now Roger was led on his back, my head now resting on his chest. My arm was wrapped around his waist whilst my other was squashed between us. Roger had one arm around my shoulder, travelling down my back, holding me close to him. His other hand combed through my was indeed a very relaxing morning and to me it was perfect...well except for the headache I now had and the slight nauseous I was feeling.
"Good Morning" I said, finally opening my eyes and looking up to Roger. His hair was spread out across the pillow and his eyes still seemed slightly dopy, it was evident he hadn't long awoke.
"Good Morning beautiful" his voice was raspy as he spoke, that smile on his face that I absolutely adore.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked, kissing the top of my head.
"I slept very well, better than I have in a while. How about you?"
"I slept amazingly" he smiled. I couldn't help but lift my head to peck him on the lips.
Still enjoy the moment I led back down, savouring the feeling of being wrapped up in Roger's arms and having him here, led beside me. Tonight I would be home, without him by me....and I knew I would miss that...the feeling of being wrapped up in his arms as I gently surrender to that nights slumber.
A light glow had been casted in the room from the sun shining through the curtains. The window was open, allowing the breeze outside to cause the curtains to flutter about. The thick blanket that was covering our bodies trapped the warm in. With my one leg hocked over Roger's and the other led freely, alone. To me this was a perfect morning....and it was only going to get better.
"BRIAN I WANT BREAKFAST" we could hear Freddie shout from in the living room. We both chuckled as Brian shouted back...
"BUT IM GOING TO WAKE ROGER AND JESS UP....THEY NEED BREAKFAST TOO" Freddie shouted. His voice sounding closer and closer with each word. I looked up to Roger who was still chuckling...though at the mention of him coming in here we both stopped, looked at each other and panicked.
30 seconds the later the door came swinging open, revealing Freddie stood there in his pyjamas with his hands on his hips.
"Well, well, well, what we have here" Freddie strutted into the room, clearly amused by the way we were cuddling. It was then I remembered my arse must have been on view. My leg was hooked around Roger and not covered by the blanket, giving anyone by the door a clear view of my arse....seeing as though all I was wearing was underwear and a t-shirt.
I immediately tucked my leg under the covers... receiving a wine from Roger because I had moved.
"Hey my arse was on you really want your best friend to be staring at your girlfriend's arse" I retorted.
"Let me just say darling it's one fine arse" Freddie smirked.
"Hey, what she said...she's mine" Roger said, wrapping his arms around me protectively.... I chuckled.
"No worries dear...I don't want her. No offense Jess" Freddie spoke. I didn't know if I should be offended or not, but I brushed it off anyway.
"Anyways, darlings breakfast is being served by Brian" and with that he was gone, leaving me and Roger alone again...although the door was open this time.
Deciding we should probably get up I sat up. Again earning myself some groans of protest from Roger. Nonetheless he got sat up and slowly scooted out of bed as well. Hand in hand we both left the bedroom and walked down the corridor into the living. Roger in only his boxers and a t-shirt and myself in just underwear and an over-sized t-shirt. In a way we were matchy-ies.
Once we entered the living room the band members came into view. John was sat on the sofa eating cheese on toast.  Freddie and Brian were sat with cups of tea, clearly having already eaten.
"There's food in the kitchen for you both" Brian spoke up, seeming to be the only one who had noticed our presence.
"Thanks bri" Roger said, pulling me by the hand towards the kitchen.
"Yeah, thanks Brian" I called from the kitchen. I took a seat at the kitchen table as Roger grabbed the plates of pancakes Brian had made.
"Wow, you can tell we have a guest. Brian never makes pancakes....well it's either that or Freddie begged him" Roger had set a plate of pancakes in front of me, before taking a seat opposite me. We both dug in, eating our way through the stack of pancakes.
I knew today was going to be a good day.
((Roger's P.O.V))
It had been a few hours since breakfast. The boys had gone out shopping leaving me and Jess alone. We were sat on the sofa; I was sat straight whilst she was sprawled out, her feet resting in my lap. We hadn't changed out of our pyjamas and decided we would have a lazy day....until she had to go home of course.
We were watching the telly in a comfortable silence, not knowing what to talk about. That was until she broke the silence....a sensitive topic was rising again:
"Thanks for yesterday by the way" she spoke, not taking her eyes off the TV
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused
"When we were playing never have I ever. Freddie's question: you put your hand up too" now I knew exactly what she was talking about. Freddie's question: never have I ever...done something to harm myself.
"It's were uncomfortable.... I didn't want you to suffer" by now Jess had turned around....her back was against me, my one arm wrapped around her as we continued to watch the TV, not saying another word.
((Jessica's P.O.V))
The TV programme we were watching had long ended...and now we were making out on the sofa. The boys still hadn't come back from shopping and we were still alone.
Though this 'make-out' session was going differently to usual. I had been pushed to lie down, Roger hovering over me as our lips stayed locked, not showing any sign of breaking off. The weight of Roger on top of me felt, great...something I had never had the opportunity to experience before.
Roger's hand slowly crept up my shirt, feeling around my stomach as we continued. I could feel a lump form in my throat as his hand ran over my scar...the scar I hated so much.
He sensed my dislike and moved his hand, but instead of taking it away, he moved what I would describe as a more intimate area.
I moaned in his mouth as his hands roamed the top half of my body. Feeling daring, slightly scared...but wanting to do this... I flipped us over. Now I was straddling his hips....feeling the affect I was having on him beneath me. ;)
Our lips remained locked as my hands resting on his chest, keeping myself up in a half lying- half sitting position. Roger's hands rested on my hips as the moment intensified.
At that moment the apartment door came flying opening, and three men came bounding in. Slightly startled I fell off the sofa and onto the floor. My cheeks red from embarrassment...scared they had caught us, though they showed no hints that they had.
"Oh dear, your still here" Freddie said.
"Yep" I mumbled, pushing myself off the floor. I looked to the side of me where Roger was sat, only to find him sat there grinning like Cheshire cat.
"What time is it anyway?" I asked, turning back to Freddie.
"Almost 6 o'clock"
"Oh crap, I need to go home" I said, standing up from the sofa, I grabbed Roger's hand and pulled him to his bedroom. I quickly pulled on my leather trousers and slipped on my heels.
"You can keep the pyjama t-shirt by the way" Roger smiled. Dressed and ready I walked over to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck..... I leaned in and connect our lips...for what would be our final kiss of the day.
"Thank you; I have had a fabulous weekend because of you. I love you" I whispered against his lips.
"I love you too"
I grabbed my jacket and purse before we made our way back to the living room. Roger had slipped some jogging bottoms on and had grabbed his keys...Ready to drop me home.
The car journey had been short and quiet. Roger had pulled up around the corner from my house so my parents wouldn't see him. with a quick peck on the cheek and a soft goodbye I had left to make my journey around the corner.
I hadn't said much to my parents when I arrived home, I briefly told them I had a good time at Ellesse's before I left to retreat to my bedroom.
I was currently now led in bed, after having a shower and eating a quick snack. I was wearing Roger's t-shirt, which smelt like I stared up at the ceiling, playing that make- out session within my mind...what if it led to something more than that. What if we got more...intimate? But we never....and that's what matter's...
But I wish it did.
Stop it...I have to forget about that for now. But to tell you the truth it is hard to forget. I haven't loved anyone as much as Roger in...Well, forever. And the thought of maybe getting...intimate...was something that didn't bother me, something I wanted.
Forcing those thoughts out of my head I closed my eyes tightly. Trying my hardest to get to sleep, because the faster I get to sleep...the quicker morning comes....the quicker I get to see Roger.

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