Chapter Seven

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I look out the window of the SUV at people scattering the streets of Toronto, Canada. After reaching out to Chubbs, Adonis's father contacted me and wanted a DNA test done to prove our son was his. I get that maybe in the past he was falsely accused of being someone's father, but it didn't stop me from feeling judged or being perceived as a hoe.

Three days after our discussion he flew us out in his plane, booked us in the Park Hyatt hotel and got the test done at the top medical facility in Toronto. It took two business days for the results, he is 99.9% the father and now we're on the way to meet him at his house.


I sat on the couch and couldn't help but smile as he interacts with our son. You could see the love in his eyes. Adonis laughs and stares at his father lifting him in the air.

"So how long you planned on not telling me?" He sat down with Adonis in his arms putting distance between us.

"I wasn't going to keep him a secret forever and not tell you I just, got scared and didn't know how to when I found out I was pregnant," I said looking at his expressionless face.

"What made you reach out after five months?" He asks patting a crying Adonis's back.

I tried my best to relax, even though it felt like I was being interrogated. I inhale through my nose looking everywhere but his eyes. It's intimidating sitting down beside the man I was once intimate with.

"I felt it was the right time. You missed a couple months out of his life, not that it's your fault and I didn't want you to miss his first birthday," I truthfully said, picking at my short manicure nails.

He hands over Adonis when he couldn't get him to calm down. I took the blanket from his diaper bag, resting it on my shoulder to hide my boob and breast fed him.

"He's here now that's all that matters. Tell me about yourself, since we're going to be in each others life," He leans back with his hand on the shoulder of the couch.

"Um my full name is Cali Álvarez, I was born in a small town in Puerto Rico. I'm twenty five and I use to model but now I'm a dental receptionist," I said giving a well fed Adonis his pacifier.

"So I'm guessing you stopped modeling and moved to Puerto Rico when you found out you were pregnant?" He looks at me rubbing his beard.

"Yeah I didn't want to do modeling anymore, it's like I snapped into mommy mode and just wanted to focus on my baby and I also didn't want him in the spotlight, especially since you're his dad," I explain hoping he would understand.

He nods his head staring at the ground. Adonis cooeing cuts the silence surrounding the room.

"You good now little man?" Aubrey stretches over tickling his tummy. "I got toys and some other stuff in the back for him," He points behind him.

"Yo Chubbs," He calls out, Chubbs came from around the corner. "Get the jewelry box from upstairs," He orders and Chubbs walks off disappearing up the stairs.

"It's getting late, I think it's best you and little man stay the night," He says looking at his icy watch.

"I packed his bag for a overnight stay so that's fine," I rock Adonis as he was falling asleep.

Chubbs came down with a small black box handing it to Aubrey. He took the cover off revealing a tiny diamond chain bracelet with Adonis's initials.

"I got this custom made the other day for baby boy," He secures the bracelet around Adonis's wrist.

"Wow this is cute," I examine my sleeping baby's hand.

"Little man is iced out already," Chubbs and Aubrey chuckle.


After he shows me the guest room, that could be mistaken for a master bedroom with a elegant cream interior. I got settled in unpacking Adonis's diaper bag. He laid in the middle of the bed playing with his toy, then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I look up from the bag.

"You mind if I spend a little time until he falls asleep?" Aubrey enters the room.

"Not at all I was just going to give him a bath and put him to bed," I said stripping Adonis out of his clothes.

Walking to the built in bathroom with Aubrey behind, I put Adonis in the sink turning the water to lukewarm and lathering him in soap.

"I know baby mommy's almost done," He fussed as I rinse the soap out of his hair.

"Do you want to change him in his clothes?" I turn and saw Aubrey already looking at me.

"Yeah yeah, come to daddy," He took Adonis animal towel wrapping it around him.

I showed him how to put on his diaper and onesie.

"You wanna sleep with dada tonight?" He baby talks standing Adonis on his legs.

"Are you sure? He hasn't slept with anyone but me," I rush out. Even though he's his father and nothing is going to happen to him. I still didn't feel comfortable with him sleeping without me yet.

"It's me you're talking to, he'll be fine," Aubrey says looking me in my eyes. "Right papa? Tell mommy she should stop worrying," He blew bubbles on Adonis stomach and he burst into a fit of giggles melting my heart.

"Okay," I sigh giving in and sitting on the bed.

"Give mommy a kiss goodnight," He brought him close to my face.

"Buenas noches mi calabaza," I brush his damp hair kissing his cheek then his tiny lips.
(-"Goodnight my pumpkin.")

I watch them walk out the room, leaving me to sleep by myself. I did my night routine and watched a movie until sleep took over my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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