Chapter Four

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It's been approximately one month since my trip to Miami. After spending the night with Aubrey, I left in the morning like the first time. Celia and I spent one more day then we flew back to New York for work.

He still hasn't reach out after our night and I have to say I was disappointed. I mean he invited me to Miami for his birthday, covered all my expenses and then we obviously had sex. That is enough to give someone an idea that something is there, I am admitting I did catch some feelings and clearly he didn't. I had to accept the fact that he didn't want anything serious and continue on with my life like I should.

I arrived early on set this morning and now I'm shooting for a swimwear brand.

While I was in the middle of posing a nauseous feeling took over my body. It starts to get worse and my mood completely change from finishing this photoshoot.

"Are you okay you don't look so g-"

I sped walk to the bathroom with my hand over my mouth before the photographer could get the rest of his sentence out. I hunch over throwing up in the toilet, I felt awful having to force everything up that I ate during the day.

"Sweetie are you okay?" My makeup artist came in rubbing my back.

I flush the toilet, went over to the sink and rinse my mouth, feeling a little better after getting everything out.

"Yeah I wasn't feeling good and I had to throw up," I said after taking a piece of napkin and wiping my mouth.

"How are you feeling now do you think you can finish the shoot?" She asks. She's a little bit older than I was and also a mother so I felt good knowing that she is concerned.

"Hopefully if I don't feel like this for the rest of the day," I threw away the napkin and fix my hair in the mirror.

I went and got my makeup and hair touch up prior to shooting again. Twenty minutes later, we took a break and edit some of the photos we thought looks best for the website. Feeling tired from being on my feet all day, I took a five minute nap on the couch before changing in to the next bikini.

Getting that nauseous feeling again, I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach. I wash out my mouth then drank some water from my water bottle. My phone went off in my handbag, I took it out and saw a text from Jatavia but I checked my other notifications before responding.

 My phone went off in my handbag, I took it out and saw a text from Jatavia but I checked my other notifications before responding

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"Cali it's time to shoot the last set of photos," The photographer yells.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? That's the second time today."

I close my phone and look at my makeup artist standing in front of me.

"I don't think it's that serious. If it gets any worse I'll go," I put away my phone in my purse and went over to finish up the shoot.


It was night when I arrive home. Jatavia and I sat in the lounge eating takeout and watching the latest episode of Bridgerton.

Out of nowhere the nausea crept up on me once more. I sat the food on the coffee table and rush to the bathroom. Jatavia held my hair back as I gagged out the food that now became waste.

"This makes it the third time you're throwing up," She stood in the doorway as I brushed my teeth.

" I can't keep anything down I think I have a stomach virus," I wipe my mouth with a wash cloth after rinsing.

"This never happened to you before so why now?" She questions.

"Or maybe it's alcohol poisoning when I was in Miami," I lean on the counter.

"Alcohol poisoning really? I don't think it's that," She raises her eyebrows.

"Then what do you think it is?" I tilt my head scrunching my eyebrows.

"Let me ask you this..did you and Drake fuck with a condom?" She looks me in my eyes.

I thought about the two times we had sex and remembered we didn't use any protection, I knew that he pulled out but I still didn't take any plan b.

"No we didn't but he pulled out," I said to her.

"That don't mean shit and I know you're not on birth control cause you said it breaks you out," She reminds me.

I stopped taking birth control six months ago. It messed with my hormones and sometimes left me feeling depressed. I tried different brands and it was the same thing over and over, it just wasn't for me.

I started to get nervous after what she said, it was true, him pulling out did not guarantee me not getting pregnant. At the time I was not thinking. I was so caught up in the fact that I was messing around with Drake.

"Are you saying I'm pregnant?" I nervously asks. Then it clicks that I didn't get my period. I began to fret, my palms beginning to sweat.

"What else would it be? That's why I'm glad I brought this," She pulls out a pregnancy test from her back pocket.

For some reason when she pulls out the first response my heart rate skyrocketed. I sigh and took it from her hand, reading the instructions on the back.

I pull my panties and shorts down and sat on the toilet taking it out the box. I peed on the stick and flush the toilet. Then I put it on the counter and wash my hands.

Jatavia and I stared at the test waiting for the result. I got lost in my head thinking about me possibly being pregnant. I'm not ready to be a mother, I'm still young and I'm in the prime of my career. If I'm pregnant I will keep my baby because I went out and had unprotected sex, which was a stupid mistake.

"You're pregnant," Jatavia covers her mouth taking the test off the sink.

"Let me see," I took it and saw the two lines. I stooped bawling my eyes out, I was in shock. I've never thought about being a mother and now here I am sitting and crying about another responsibility I'll have to take care of other than myself, but I don't regret it.

"It's okay you have us and you know your mother always have your back," Jatavia pulls me off the ground into her arms.

My mind drifts to Aubrey, I kept wondering what he would say. Will he deny our baby? Will he say it's not his because I'm just a random broad he slept with and it could be anyone's? All types of questions swirl in my head and it was giving me a headache.

I took my phone and dial my moms number and told her everything from when he and I met up until today.

"You have to tell him," Jatavia said while my mother was on speaker phone.

"I don't want to tell him yet. This is already too much for me," I shook my head.

"Cali it doesn't matter he deserves a right to know-"

"I know but I'm not ready. Please see where I'm coming from I will eventually just not right now," I wipe the remaining tears off my face.

"I support you in anything you decide only up to an extent," My mother says.

"If you don't want to tell him yet that's okay, we have your back and we'll always be here to help you," Jatavia brushes my tangled hair behind my ear.

The truth is I don't want my child to be in the spotlight and I don't want my business plastered in the media. Aubrey lives in chaos with women in and out of his life and I don't want my baby exposed to that dysfunction.

I didn't want this life anymore, I want a normal life for us.

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