Chapter Five

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                           One Year Later

November 21, 2021
Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico

The distant voices and clinical equipments buzz in my ear as I stood behind the front desk rereading the message I was about to send off to my baby's father. Today felt like the right time to get in touch and finally tell him that he is a father after one year. I birthed my son on the 6th of July 2021 and our baby boy, Adonis Graham is now five months old.

He is the sweetest baby ever, sometimes I didn't want to bring him in public from the fear of someone assuming that he is the world's most famous hip hop artists son. The only thing he will question is his skin and eye color, and it's possible his hair will get lighter in the future. Aubrey is biracial and I knew it was a result from genetics.

When I found out I was pregnant, I went to a planned parenthood health center and got a second test done with the highest accuracy. That was all the confirmation I needed to leave everything behind and move to Puerto Rico. I now work as a dental receptionist in Sabana Grande where I also reside. I had enough money saved up to live comfortably, so, I bought a nice size family home on the outskirts of the town.

I didn't want anyone to know I was expecting so I resigned, ended all my contracts and turned my back on the modeling world

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I didn't want anyone to know I was expecting so I resigned, ended all my contracts and turned my back on the modeling world. Jatavia, Kenza and Celia frequently visits and sometimes spend a couple days seen that we live miles apart. My mom loves her grandson, she'll stay months upon months until I'd have to convince her that we would be fine and she has to get back to her life.

My finger trembles over the send button, I contemplate if this was a mistake or the right thing to do. I understand that he deserves to know but I'm afraid of the outcome. He most likely will be angry and he has every right to, but he has to put himself in my shoes and acknowledge that I did what I had to do or what I thought was right at the time.

I blew out the air that was sitting on my chest and sent off the message, closing my phone after. I resumed adjusting the schedule appointments on the desktop. I shift my attention towards a middle age woman walking up to the desk.

"¿Buenos días cómo puedo ayudarte?" I greet her with a welcoming smile.
(-"Good morning how can I help you?")

"Buenos días, tengo cita a las 11:00 para la limpieza dental," She said.
(-"Good morning, I have an 11:00 appointment for teeth cleaning.")

"Bien, ¿cuál es tu nombre?" I ask.
(-"Okay, what is your name?")

"Valentina López," She answers.

I scroll searching for her name in the appointments list on the computer.

"Ok señora Valentina llegó justo a tiempo. El Dr. Cruz cuidará de usted, puede tomar asiento saldrá en breve," I told her after putting a check beside her name.
(-"Ok Ms Valentina you're right on time. Dr. Cruz will take care of you, you can have a seat he'll be out shortly.")

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