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A Month Later

Robyn Hill started a Campaign to fight against Atlas' Regime only for it to be met with a Strong opposition in the form of Jacques Schnee running for the Council position

Not knowing the Evidence they have against him

Jaune contacted Ironwood that his Supply Chain was derailed by Jacques and his Private Army

Ironwood was furious at this betrayal as he makes contact with his closest allies to strike back at the Capitalist

Glynda was handling the Atlas Academy's day to day as Jaune faced the Iron Fist of Atlas' Elite

Jaune marked as a terrorist but Ironwood came to his defense and dismissed those claims

The salvageable AKs that the SDC had has information on their drives where a Search Warrant was pushed forward by Ironwood to claim the information

The prisoners were more cooperative when faced with the death sentence

It seems like nothing good was happening for Jacques election campaign as his Wife who was sobered up joined in the intelligence warfare

Capturing Jacques' transactions by hidden cameras planted by her and the warrant for all his private devices was the final nail in his coffin

Robyn won the election by a landslide as all credibility on Jacques' part was laid bare for all to see

Jaune had little part in this besides seeing his crimes first hand

Willow was able to get her marriage certificate sorted and removed the leech's hold on any asset the family owned

Atlas was finally moving forward as people like Jacques Gele was slowly being purged

Back to our Heroes

Schnee Manor

It was a festive Party as Willow hosted one for her children and everyone who had helped her

Glynda was nudging Jaune who was drinking wine

It seems like they're getting drunk

Willow wasn't drinking anymore not to relapse but enjoyed the company of her family it may be slightly cold but it was a whole lot better since the arrival of the Knight

Ruby: man I can't believe your mom knows how to throw a party Weiss!

Yang: yeah who would have thought!

Weiss: ugh you dolts.

Blake: just enjoy the moment.

Until Blake was pulled by her collar by Kali she's still in hot water

Whitley was screaming for help in the background as he was in a moshpit by the Beacon students the

Pyrrha was just chatting with her mother while Ren and Nora was just enjoying each other's company clearly both drunk thanks to Nora

Amber was having fun with her friends and her life was so much brighter for it

The Jedi were Wrong about attachments it was the best for a Force User to have, just not over in abundance

Jaune woke up once again next to the love of his life happy feeling the lessons he learned was for this moment

Jaune had a call as his family was on its way to meet him

And he had a sweat drop as he felt he needed to introduce his new girlfriend

Glynda stirred in her slip and hugged his arm as he smiled and played with her hair

She giggled feeling his hand tickle her as she just laid there fast asleep

Jaune sighs in content as this was the beginning he sought for

The Days of the Knight continues on in this Planet in a Galaxy Far Far Away

Chapter End

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