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The trio made their way through village after village lending their aid

They arrived at Shion to see if they needed help and to buy supplies for their trip

Din was checking out some local bounties while Jaune showed Amber through town

She was happy to finally be in a social setting after years of hiding

Jaune: do not repress your feelings my apprentice, speak your mind.

Amber: it's just...it's been so long since I was able to be in public without the constant threat of being killed.

Jaune: take it from me, I know what you feel.

Amber: you too huh?

Jaune: my Order and everyone in it was branded Traitors and was hunted down across the Galaxy.

I often question if I was gonna live the next day.

Amber felt that among everyone, from Qrow to Ozpin. Jaune knows what it feels like

Amber: I'm sorry it brought up bad memories.

Jaune: no...it's alright. Learning to recognize and confront these feelings is the Lesson you must learn.

Use your emotions....

Amber: don't get carried away by them.

Jaune smiles seeing his lessons are paying off

The mood was ruined when an explosion occurred somewhere in town

The bell rang as a Bandit raid was ongoing

Jaune, Amber and Din sprung to action as they faced and battled against the Bandits

Din let loose his whistling birds eliminating many of the goons

Jaune saw many civilians getting caught up in the crossfire

Jaune: Amber! Form V!

Amber nods as both of them jumped in front of the civilians and began blocking and sending shots back at the enemy as the fools were using dust that can be parried by a saber like blaster bolts

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Amber nods as both of them jumped in front of the civilians and began blocking and sending shots back at the enemy as the fools were using dust that can be parried by a saber like blaster bolts

After taking down a lot of the bandits a hand was seen being lifted as the Bandits stopped firing

Then someone jumped and lands in front of them

As it was Raven and her protégé Vernal

Raven: I can see you two have some skills.

Jaune: and you seem to be a chest and a thief.

Raven: it's called survival of the fittest.

Jaune: I know what it means to survive and I didn't have to resort to such lowly tactics.

All who preach what you preach are dead.

Raven: then they were Weak.

Jaune: No I mean ALL who preach that ideology are Dead. And you won't live long for this world if you continue forward on your path.

Raven: the ramblings of the weak.

Jaune: the Truth always hurts those who live in delusion.

Raven was starting to get irritated as Vernal tried to charge at him but was stopped by her leader

Amber took a stance but was waved off by her Master

Jaune: back away Amber, I will deal with this Bandit Slime myself.

Raven: awfully confident are you.

Jaune: let us not win this battle with our skill with words but with our skills with a blade.

He ignited his lightsaber and took his stance

Jaune waited for Raven to make the first move but she didn't and waited, both remained still glaring at each other until Raven lost patience and attacked

She swung but her blade was melted right through with the Force Master's saber

Her shock was short lived as

Jaune Force grabbed her and dragged her towards him as he disengaged his Saber and back hands her in the face

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Jaune Force grabbed her and dragged her towards him as he disengaged his Saber and back hands her in the face

Finally getting pissed enough she showed her power

Generating a miniature storm as she was now seen with blazing red eyes

Jaune: ( it's not the Force....what is it?)

Raven: fool, witness true power!

As she sent a wave of Lightning at him

Using his fast reflex and Tutaminis he puts his hands forward and caught the lighting

Unmoved he absorbed the lightning causing Raven to be concerned

Using the more Light oriented Lightning that Master Plo Koon developed they called it Electric Judgment

As he threw a wave of his own Lightning that Raven tried to cancel it but it wasn't any natural lightning as it went through hers and shocked her off her high horse

Jaune: surrender you are beaten.

Raven: No... no... no.....this isn't over!

She opens a Portal and quickly jumps in

Another portal opens near Vernal as Raven grabbed her in

Amber: Dangferrick! They got away!

Jaune: don't worry, the people of Mistral can breathe a sigh of relief for a while, she and her apprentice alone can't do the damage her Bandit Clan once can.

One colossal owning later

Din dragged the last bandit to the pile

Din: this will make for great bounty for this planet.

Jaune: I'm sad you can't get any credits or spice though.

Din: heh money is money, I'll spend it here.

Jaune: alright we wasted enough time as it is. Next stop Haven.

Chapter End

Jaune the Jedi KnightWhere stories live. Discover now