Revelation ch 23

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Revelation ch 23
At Sonny's trial- Kristina had just finished testifying and was getting off the stand."I call my client Michael Corinthors" Diane said Sonny went on the stand."What happened that day in question "I was talking to Dex about becoming a cop" Were you holding a gun" Yes" Where are you going to shoot him" I plead the fifth "Do you feel guilty for what happened to Kristina "Yes I do, I hate that I couldn't protect my daughter, I'm sorry Kristina that you were hurt I love you "Sonny said "Do you suffer from bipolar "Yes" You were not thinking that day, Were you" No I wasn't "Sonny said "You're honor I don't care that Sonny wasn't thinking he still shot his daughter "The jury will take that off the record "The Judge said "I'm done questioning my client "Diane said

Robert questioned Sonny."If you love your children you would do the right thing by pleading guilty and going to jail so your children will be safe from your business, I don't care that you are bipolar and your medication was a lower dose, No one is safe from you, Robert said Sonny got off the stand and went by Diane," Is there any more witnesses " The Judge ask "Yes I call one more" You're honor I didn't I know about this" Diane said "I will allow it" The Judge said "I call Dex Heller to the stand "Robert said Dex came in and got swear in."Dex, What happened that day" I met Sonny at the warehouse he had a gun he was going to kill me because I'm now a cop "Dex said "Sonny was worried you would tell the commander what he does in his business "Yes, I wish he did shot me instead of Kristina" Where you going to turn against Sonny" Yes, I was going too" Dex said

Diane was feeling helpless on her case."Ms.Miller do you want to question Mr.Heller" No your honor "Are these all the witnesses for today "Yes" The Jury will be dismissed for now," The Judge said

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