Chapter 2

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Rowan POV

I opened the door and then Corey and Sabrina ran in, panting.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I asked.

They laughed. "We were just racing up the driveway. And I beat you by a mile, Corey." Sabrina said.

"First of all, Peyton's driveway isn't even a mile and second of all, it was a tie."

"Whatever." Sabrina said.

"Ok I'll go get you guys a drink." Peyton offered.

"I'll have water." Corey said.

"Yeah me too." Sabrina added.

"Rowan, you want anything?" Peyton asked me.

"Yeah sure. Do ya have lemonade?"
I asked.

"Yup. I'll be back with your orders." Peyton said in a waiter voice.

Corey, Sabrina, and I all sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.

"So what movie are we watching tonight?" Corey asked.

"Hmm." Sabrina said, thinking. "Ooooh how about a horror movie?"

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" I said.

The Peyton walked in with the drinks.
"Aww come on Rowan, their not THAT bad." He handed the drinks to us.

"Please, the last time I watched a horror movie I didn't get sleep for a week." I explained, trying to persuade them not to put on a horror movie.

"Fine." Peyton said.

"How about The Fault In Our Stars?" Sabrina suggested.

"Noooooooo!!!!!" Corey and Peyton said in unison.

"Hey let's make a deal," Sabrina started. "If we get to watch The Fault In Our Stars tonight, next time we all spend the night together, we'll watch a horror movie." Sabrina looked at me for agreement.

"Fine." I huffed. "But only because I love The Fault In Our Stars."

The boys agreed. But it wasn't time to watch the movie yet. There was still a little light outside.

"We should go outside." Corey said.

"Yeah." Sabrina said.

"I'm down with that." Peyton said, trying to be cool.

"Sure. Let's go." I said, as we all walked outside.

We were out there for about 2 minutes until it started raining. It was really fun, we played tag in the rain and Corey was it.

He ran after me, but I was too fast. I dodged his hand so he went after Peyton. Poor Peyton, he hadn't seen Corey and was tagged. He was planning on getting Sabrina, but she hid. Smart.

Then he ran after me. I was laughing and running. And if you've ever tried that, it's hard.

I slowed down from all the laughing, but Peyton didn't see that and he slammed into me. We fell to the ground and he was on top of me.

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