Chapter 14

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Rowan POV

Ever since Peyton and I made up, we were inseparable again. We did like EVERYTHING together. And I'm glad.

I was about to go his house to hang out when I got a text from Mr. Evans:

Mr. Evans👤: You left your purse on set. You can pick it up, doors unlocked. But shut it when you leave, no one else is there.

Wow. I've never been on set, alone. Creepy, but cool!!!

Rowan😋👣🙅🏼: Ok I'm on my way. Thanks.

Once I got to the set I walked into my dressing room and looked around for my purse. I couldn't find it. I needed to find it!!! It has a special necklace given from my mom who was given by her mom and all the way back many generations.

I scrambled around trying to find my purse, when I started smelling smoke. Oh well, I pushed it out of my mind. I need to find that purse!!!

I finally found it under the couch I had in my dressing room and then opened it up to find the beautiful necklace. I let out a sigh. Phew.

Now the smell of smoke was getting stronger. Was someone having like a huge bon fire or something?

When I opened the door of my dressing room, I was alarmed to find the whole set on fire!!!

I cover my mouth with my arm and tried to find my way out, but I couldn't see through all the thick smoke.

"Help!!!" I screamed, hoping maybe someone was here.

But as Mr. Evans said, no one else was here.

I pushed things over so I could make my way to the door, but that just made the fire bigger. I didn't know what to do!!! I was trapped!!!

I started to cry because I wasn't ready to die. I wanted to say goodbye to my family and to Sabrina and Corey, but most of all, I wanted to say goodbye to Peyton. Now I'll never get the chance.

I tried to push forward, to get to the door, but it was no use. My mind started getting foggy from all the smoke. Then I started thinking, "How will anyone find me?" Then I blacked out.

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