Chapter 7

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Rowan POV

Rowan🙅🏼😊👣: Yeah, why wouldn't I be ok?

Sab😎💘😋: Well ur mom texted me and asked me if I was with you.

Rowan🙅🏼😊👣: Tell her yes. Please? Sorry I'm just really angry with my family right now and if the find out I'm with Peyton they'll think I'm even more separated from the family.

Sab😎💘😋: Ok Row. You got it. Gtg, bye love yah.

Rowan🙅🏼😊👣: Love you too Sab. Thanks.

I finally got to Peyton's and I knocked on the door.

Peyton answered. "You know, you can just come in, you don't have to knock all the time."

"But I like to see you open the door to me." I answered.

"Oh." Then he smiled.

"So, what's wrong? You sounded a little sad or something when I texted you."
He asked, with concerned eyes.

"It's just, ever since I started Girl Meets World, my parents have completely forgotten about me, doing a bunch of things as a family, without me. Even when I'm there." I said sadly. It hurt to say it out loud.

"Row, I can promise you one thing, they didn't forget about you. No one could forget about you. Things will turn out just fine, I promise." Peyton reassured me.

"Thanks Pey. So, excited for tomorrow? It's sounds like someone new is entering the cast. I mean, why else would we have a meeting with the Casting Director?" I said.

"Yeah. I just hope this new person is to our liking."

Peyton had a point. What if the new person is someone who plays Riley's competition for Lucas? Oh no.

"Hey, wanna watch a movie?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! You owe me a horror movie, don't you?" Peyton said. Darn it.

"Noooo!!! That's for you, Corey, Sabrina, and I. How bout we watch a Transformers movie?" I knew Peyton loved those. And I loved some of the romance.

"Ok fine. But I get to choose which one." He said.

"Ok." I said with a half hearted smile. I wish that I was with my family, watching a movie. But they wouldn't even want me there.

"Hey, Row." Peyton grabbed my face. "It's gonna be ok." He smiled then lightly pressed his lips against mine.

"Thanks." I said.

"No prob-"

"No Peyton, seriously. Thanks for alway getting me through things."

"Rowan, there's no other way I'd rather spend my life." He kissed me again.

I love him. I know it now. But now wasn't the time to tell him.

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