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Everyone was looking at Sunghoon in disbelief, was he gay? What did he mean by it's not a she?

"Ba-baby..what are you talking about?" Wonyoung stutters as she gets up from the floor. "Don't call me baby, and I said it's not a she." Sunghoon glared at Wonyoung.

"But baby you..are not gay."

"And who said that?" Sunghoon raised his eyebrow.

"No way fucking way." Hongjoong whispered underneath his breath. "Bro you just read by mind.." Soobin whispers as him and Hongjoong was the most in disbelief finding out Sunghoon wasn't straight...

"Then what's is name." Wonyoung steps closer to Sunghoon who backed away. "I'm pretty you know him, Wonyoung." Sunghoon smirked.

Wonyoung was confused for a second before her eyes went directly to Sunoo who was standing behind Sunghoon. "It's not him right?" Wonyoung points at Sunoo only Sunghoon smirk widen.

"Oh you mean, Kim Sunoo?" Sunghoon asked as he grabs the younger male by the waist. "Then you are corrected." Wonyoung's sadness was replaced with hated and angry.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! HIM?! OVER ME?! HE'S NOT EVEN CUTE! HE UGLY! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" Wonyoung screams stomping her feet. Sunghoon laughs darkly "Fuck off, Wonyoung, we are over." Wonyoung's heart breaks into pieces as she ran out of the cafeteria.

Meanwhile Sunoo's friends was in shocked seeing how Sunghoon admitted to liking Sunoo in front of the whole cafeteria. "I knew Sunghoon was gay." Ricky was the to speak. "Yeah definitely, I seen the way he looks at Sunoo in class." Jungwon says making everyone look at him. "Don't even start." Jungwon rolls his eyes crossing his arms.

Back with Popular kids, Sunoo was bright r he couldn't believe his crush had feelings for him let alone holding him by the waist. "So Kim Sunoo, will you be my boyfriend?" Sunghoon asked in soft tone and Sunoo nods his head making Sunghoon smile.

"What in the gay." Soobin said. "You really going to date a femboy?" Soobin adds and Sunghoon shot a death glare him. "H-heh..there definitely nothing wrong with that." Soobin nervously laughs as he grabs blue hair friend's arm. "I think you so are cute." Jiwoong shows a charming smile.

"Yeah definitely." Minho agreed. "Baby but we are cuter!" Mina says hugging Minho's arm. "Like never." Hongjoong whispers into Soobin's causing the two laugh.

"Anyway, Sunoo have plans after school?" Sunghoon asked.


"Now you do." Sunghoon smiled before giving Sunoo a kiss on the cheek. "coming with me after, okay?" Sunoo shyly nods as he covers his face.

"Cute~" Sunghoon teased Sunoo making the younger male's ear turn red.

"Gae." Jisung laughs seeing Sunghoon and Sunoo interaction with each other making everyone else laugh.

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