Chapter 6: Aftermath

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3rd Pov

Timothee is currently pacing back and forth inside his office, because he's anxious for a couple of reasons.

1. He lied to Y/n about the circumstances of his marriage.
2. He cheated on his wife, now he doesn't know how to act around her.
3. Y/n and Christina are on their way to the building for a meeting.

Well shit.

He doesn't even remember what the meeting will be about, but at this point he doesn't give a shit what it's about. His major concern right now is getting through the day without dying at the hands of either Christina or Y/n.

There will be 2 meetings being held in 2 different conference rooms. One for the editors, photographers, and model agents. The second one is for models and fashion designers.


Timothee's Pov

Fuck it. Let's do this.

I walked the halls, that before I thought were long, but in a matter of seconds Im already infront of the meeting room.

I walk in and all eyes were on me. Shit. Im in the wrong room. I know this because in the sea of eyes that were looking at me I catch her eyes. Y/n's eyes. Our eyes linger on each other for what seems like an eternity but also feels like only a second.

"Ahem, Oh sorry I-uh I thought this was the room Im supposed to be in. My bad." I say the group of people smiling sympatheticly at me but my eyes always somehow goes to hers.

When Im about to walk away she does a little cute wave at me. God she's adorable.

I unfortunately wasn't able to return it, so I only smiled at her and exited the room and went inside the actual room Im supposed to be in.

"Chalamet, you're late."

"Yeah sorry I lost track of time." I apologized as I take a seat next to my wife.

As soon as I take a seat I immediately zone out. All I know is that their talking about the next issue of Vogue and since it's summer, it's all about summery stuff. (Duh)

That is when I feel a tap on my arm. It's Christina.

"Hey are you even listening?" She hissed at me in a whisper manner.

"Y-yeah, summer stuff and what not." I sighed out.

"Timothee can you hold yourself together. You're not being yourself. You were like this at home and now here?" She hissed again.

Before I can answer her, someone coughed at us.

"Is there anything the couple would like to add to this meeting?"



"Then I suggest you both to not bring your personal matters in a professional setting."

We both quietly apologize and continue on with the meeting. I try to compose myself and give suggestions here and there but my mind still isn't fully commited to the group of people Im currently with right now. Instead, my mind is on a certain model who is just in the other room.

From time to time though I catch Christina's eyes glaring at me. As if she's telling me that Im gonna get alot of bickering from her once the meeting is over.

Ugh what a headache.

Ugh what a headache

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Photos & Affairs I Timothee ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now