Chapter nineteen

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Nathan woke up when he felt the light on his face, his gaze went to the window with the curtains drawn, he sighed, still wanting to go back to sleep but couldn’t because of the light and so he made to stand up to close the curtains when he felt a weight on his arm and he glanced down at the sleeping beauty in his arms.
Like a strong wave in the ocean, everything that happened last night came back to him and he shuddered as he felt the pleasure shoot through him. He couldn’t take his gaze away from her sleeping face, everything still felt so surreal to him. Are they really together now? Could it be that the worst birthday in his life turned out to be the best? His fingertips caressed her face and she moaned softly, leaning more into his arms.
Nathan shivered at that, her body completes him so much and he didn’t want to climb out of the bed, he just wanted to snuggle more with her. It all felt like a dream and if it was, he didn’t want to wake up. Leaning his head towards her face, he claimed her lips softly, his tongue stroking her lower lip and then her upper one before he sucked on them.
“Mm,” Tracy moaned into his mouth, “Nathan-Boo stop, I want to sleep,” she murmured into his mouth and just hearing her call him confirm every doubt in Nathan and made him feel like he was sailing through the cloud nine. She had called him, which only means that she knew he was the one with her and it wasn’t a freaking dream, it was damn real and she was in his arms and he was kissing her without the fear of her waking up and shouting at him for once.
This made his heart so joyous that he kissed her the more, his hand going under the covers to caress her thighs and he loved feeling the goose bumps on her skin. He slowly parted her legs, his hand finding its way to her cunt and slowly flicking her clit.
Tracy wriggled in his arms, snuggling deeper into his arms and her legs opening wider for him. Her sleep was soon forgotten as she glared at him, pushing him away from her lips softly, “I told you I want to sleep,” she accused.
Nathan grinned before leaning to kiss her again, “but this place is saying otherwise,” he whispered, flicking her clit harder and she moaned, closing her legs with his finger on her to feel him more.
“Here I was wondering I would spoil you and it turns out, you are already spoiled,” she rolled her eyes.
He chuckled, kissing her some more and then with his leg, opened her legs again and put a finger inside her. She moaned louder this time, finally giving into to the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeper. Soon, they were both so heated and Tracy was moaning louder and Nathan was fucking her harder with his fingers. She came on his hand and he brought his fingers out and while staring deep into her eyes, he put his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean, “you taste so sweet I can live on you,” he whispered, kissing her again.
She kissed him back, tasting her liquid in his mouth, his hand went to her boobs and started fondling one, his erection poking her side and throbbing. He climbed on top of her, still kissing her as he gently opened her legs. Tracy placed her hands on his muscular chest, ready to push him away.
“Don’t,” Nathan whispered, grabbing on to her hands, “I’m already eighteen.”
That was like a big reminder to Tracy and she stared at him wide eyed, “shit, happy birthday?”
Nathan chuckled, kissing her some more and loving when she didn’t try to push him off again, he was dying to be inside her and so he positioned himself on her entrance, ready to take them both away when her phone started ringing. They both glanced at the side cabinet where she had left her phone after pressing it in the night, both not welcoming the interruption.
“Leave it, you will call back,” he said, thrusting into her then, deriving a loud moan from her and a deep grunt from him. He laid on her, not doing anything, still try to get his mind around the pleasure that was surrounding him.
The phone stopped ringing and started again, Tracy glanced at it and Nathan pushed himself up, staring deep into her eyes. He knew she wanted to get the phone but he didn’t want her to, and so he began moving inside her, slowly at first, giving them both a sweet torture. The phone stopped and started again and just as Tracy reached for it, he started moving faster and she forgot all about the phone to focus her energy on the pleasure he was giving her.
Minutes later, they both climaxed and he fell on her, breathing heavily. If he had thought her sucking him last night was intense, then he doesn’t know the word to classify this one. She hugged him to her chest, running her hands through his white hair and for the first time, the way she wanted, the way she had always wanted.
“Can I make a confession?” she whispered and Nathan just nodded, “I always love running my fingers through your hair, I could do it as much as I wanted when you were younger but as you got older, I knew there was no way I could do that without deriving a look from you. It feels so good knowing I could do that again as much as I want without wondering what you would say or do.”
Nathan chuckled but before he could reply, her phone started ringing again, “can I take it now?” she asked and all he did was just slip out of her, hissing slowly and then falling beside her on the bed. Tracy chuckled and reached for the phone but her smile vanished when she saw the name on the screen and she turned to him and showed him the caller.
Nathan’s eyes widened and he scratched his head with a shy smile, “sorry.”
Tracy rolled her eyes and answered the call, “hey Lucy, good morning.”
“By gracious, Tracy, what happened? I still can’t get through to Nathan and I have been calling all morning but you weren’t picking.” Lucy’s voice drifted out of the phone and Nathan could hear how angry and worried she was. “Do you have any idea how sleepless my night was last night? You told me you would call back!”
Tracy covered her mouth with her hand, she had forgotten she said she would and she had hoped to call her immediately Nathan walked in through the door but then everything had happened and she had forgotten. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry Lucy.”
“Well, is he alright?”
“Yes, he came back last night and he said he was just by the beach. I had been so worried about him that after seeing he was okay, I was so tired that I fell asleep.” She rolled her eyes seeing the look Nathan was giving her.
Lucy sighed on the other side, “you should have called me this morning Trace, you know how I can be if I hear that anything is wrong with him.”
“I’m sorry, my phone was in silence and it’s why I didn’t hear it ring. I was just reaching for my phone when this call entered and that was why I answered.”
Nathan widened his eyes and opened his mouth at how effortlessly she lied and made up her story.
Tracy glared at him and threatened to kill him if he made any sound by slashing her thumb on her neck. Nathan chuckled and covered his mouth immediately when Tracy glared at him some more.
“Is he there?” Lucy asked.
“He um… he is in the shower, I will have him call you immediately he is out.”
“Please do, I really want to make sure he is okay.”
“I will, you have my word and this time I will not forget, promise.”
“Thank you, I will be expecting his call,” Lucy said softly.
“Alright, bye,” they hung up and she turned to Nathan, “not a sound, huh, Nathan, don’t you know what that mean?”
“I made a sound which I’m sure she didn’t hear otherwise she wouldn’t have bought your ‘he is in the shower’ lie.”
“Oh, it’s now a shower lie?”
“Obviously you know it’s a lie,” he rolled his eyes; “half of your conversation was pure lie. When did you fall asleep out of exhaustion last night? I mean, you did fall asleep out of exhaustion but you know it was not because you were worried about me,” he grinned, “and yes it did have to do with me but not in the part of being worried but a part you can never tell mom,” he winked with a smirk.
Tracy nodded, “that’s how you want to play it huh? Fine, call your mom,” she handed him her phone.
“I’m in the shower, remember?”
“Oh you are done showering, I mean, you would want to speak with your mom too so you called her immediately you stepped out of the shower.”
“What are you planning?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing, just fulfilling my promise to your mom,” she handed him the phone again and this time he took it with a roll of his eyes.
Tracy waited patiently as he placed the phone on his ear, waiting for Lucy to pick up. “Hey mom,” he said and Tracy grinned, making him frown at what could be the reason for that. But he didn’t need to worry for he found out soon enough when she grabbed his dick in her hand and licked her lips. His mouth opened in shock and he shook his head at her.
Tracy grinned and leaned down; claiming him in her mouth and Nathan had to press his lips together to keep him from moaning out.
“Nathan, oh my God, are you okay?” Lucy asked, hearing his voice.
Nathan pulled at his hair as he felt himself hardening in her mouth, he grunted out his pleasure, his eyes tightly shut.
“Nathan, are you there?” Lucy asked, her worry returning to her voice immediately.
“Yes…mom…I’m…” he grunted, “I’m fine,” he looked down at Tracy who was smiling wickedly at him while licking his stuff like he was her favorite lollipop. Damn, she looked so damn seductive.
“Oh good, now I can ask you what was the meaning of the stunt you pulled last night? Why make Tracy worry that much when she took you on this trip to make you happy, huh?” Lucy was angry.
“I’m…sorry…mom,” he bit his lip to keep him from moaning out, “Oh shit,” he moaned softly.
“What is it Nathan, are you okay?”
“Yes, yes I am mom,” he answered, looking at Tracy pleadingly while she just grinned and took him in her mouth again, so deep he felt his tip touch her throat and then he just wanted to let his mouth lose but remembering who was on the call, he fought to control himself, not that she was making that possible.
“What is wrong with you, you sound…strange,” Lucy noticed, “is everything okay there?”
“Yes mom, everything is okay, perfectly okay,” he answered in on breath.
He heard his mom sigh and prayed to heaven to please help him, he has never found himself in such situation and he hopes he walked out alive. “Have you apologized to Tracy for what you did last night?”
Nathan smiled this time, “yes mom, I have. I apologized with all my heart,” he smirked when she looked up at him with a frown, “I apologized really good to her.”
“Good,” Lucy said, “and I don’t want to hear you did any rubbish again. Understood?”
“Yes mom, loud and clear.”
“Fine, I’m at work now and I am needed, I will call you later and then we can talk about what really prompted your action last night.”
“Okay mom.”
“Oh, I almost forgot, happy birthday son.”
“Thanks mom,” he smiled, “bye…” he said in a slightly high voice because Tracy started attacking him again.
“Okay, bye,” he could hear the confusion in her voice before she ended the call. He dropped the phone, ready to now enjoy what she was doing, but Tracy let him go seeing he had dropped the call.
“Hey,” he called.
She grinned, “well, my revenge is done.”
“Not so fast,” he said, sitting up, “Trace,” he called but she ignored him and climbed out of the bed, “no fair.”
“Of course,” she giggled.
“I will get back,” he threatened.
She smiled and licked her lips seductively, “I await the day sexy boy,” she winked and entered the bathroom and Nathan growled in frustration and fell on the bed. 

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