The Bar

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So here we go. I did not intend to post this so soon but its been in the works for a while and I love it so I thought you guys might. I will endeavour to update every weekend, so keep an eye on your inbox.

In this story Jeff is not the innocent virgin we know from the show/novel..he is bolder and more confident, (in certain aspects), but we will see how that develops.

Please let me know what you think as I always love the feedback.

As always I appreciate the reads,
Love ya

It had been an extremely long seven days at the office, and Alan was starting to feel the weight of weeks of stress bearing down on his shoulders. He was the owner of a racing team, X-Hunter, a team he had started himself from scratch over a decade ago. Back then he'd had nothing but the support from an old friend who had become somewhat of a father figure to him; Alan not having parents of his own. He had put blood, sweat and tears into the fledgling team, grafting hard everyday for twelve hours or more, and mostly alone. A mechanical engineering student and a keen racing driver, he had all the background knowledge needed to get a new team off of the ground and into the racing circuit. Once he had found and kitted out a car, (which had been a mammoth task on its own), he entered the first few races himself, enjoying the thrill of the fast paced sport. As time went on he began to win, and was soon being approached by companies wanting to sponsor the team, bringing with them a very welcome injection of cash.

It was hard juggling the running of the team, admin work and racing so when he was approached by a young driver wanting to race for X-Hunter, he virtually bit the kid's hand off. Way was his name, he was smart and good on the circuit so Alan took him on, unable to pay him much but with the promise of more once X-Hunter grew. And that it did. Before long four years had passed and Alan had three drivers on the crew and a team of four engineers. He himself had stepped away from driving once a young man named Babe had progressed from garage hand to racer, Alan teaching him everything he knew. Now, over six years later, Babe was his best driver, winning virtually every race he took part in and the current champion of the season, earning himself the nickname King of the Hallows.

Alan sighed heavily as he shut off his computer, banging his head down onto the hard wooden desk he was sitting at. The season was coming to an end with only one race left; the deciding race. Everyone expected Babe to win and defend his title, and Alan was one of those people, but the pressure on him and the team, which ultimately meant Alan, was immense. Normally he would just push through, shrug it off and carry on, not wasting any time thinking about things that he couldn't control. But today, and for reasons he just could not fathom, he was feeling it, the full weight of all the stress and expectations.

He stood up from his desk and walked to the door, grabbing his tan suede coat off of the hat stand before turning off the light in his office and shutting the door, hoping he'd left some of his tension behind in the darkness. Alan was the only one left in the building, his co workers having clocked off hours ago, either going home to their partners or out drinking for the night. As he walked through the deserted workshop he became all too aware of the fact that he was alone, again. Alan had no time for a social life, either falling asleep in his office or crashing out at home as soon as his head hit the pillow, usually before he'd even managed to get undressed. Did he like it this way? He supposed he didn't, but then again he had been single for so long that he couldn't quite remember what it felt like to not be lonely.

As he left the building which he had moved the team to just over two years ago, (their old garage becoming completely inadequate once the team's success grew), he locked the large white doors and headed to his car. Alan drove a newly purchased Jeep Rubicon, the one indulgence he allowed himself and he loved it. As he started the engine he paused. Usually he would get in his car and drive home without even really thinking about it, almost running on autopilot. His routine was always the same, work late, leave the garage at silly o'clock and go home, every single day. But today, something was telling him not to do that. Maybe he did need to relieve some of that stress he was feeling. He chucked the Jeep into drive and turned out of the parking lot onto the late night streets of Bangkok.

Alan & Jeff One Night Stand PitbabeWhere stories live. Discover now