Boss and Employee

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Hey guys, so a final update before I fly to Manila tomorrow, its a long journey. This is a long chapter so apologies in advance. Thanks all for reading, I appreciate it and the comments. I will update once I am back from the Fanmeet, hope you all enjoy this chapter.



"Yes for sure, he's fired up and ready to win, as am I....oh definitely.....fabulous see you at the race.... goodbye"

Alan sighed, flopping back in his desk chair as he hung up the phone. Sweet talking investors was one of his least favourite aspects to his job, but it was a necessary evil. Sitting up he glanced at his wrist watch, it was ten minutes to one. He hummed softly to himself, realising that the new intern would be arriving shortly, (if he hadn't already). It had been a long week, and dealing with a newbie was the last thing Alan felt like doing, but he'd been the one to agree to it and he couldn't back out now.

He sighed. If the poor kid had already arrived he'd need saving from North within the next two minutes. He pushed back on his dark wooden desk, sending his chair into an uncontrolled spin behind him as he stood up.

"Let's do this Alan. Who knows, this one might work out" he said to himself, entirely unconvinced.

As he walked down the corridor that led from his office to the main workshop he could hear the radio blasting some awful ear assaulting music. He shook his head, realising that North had changed the station again.

He groaned as he inhaled a breath, his nostrils flaring as he registered that all too familiar, but allusive sweet scent. How was the runaway Omega's smell still lingering on his skin? He lifted his bare forearm to his nose and sniffed. Strange, the smell wasn't coming from him. God, did he really have it that bad for this kid that he was now imaging his scent?

"Fuck, Alan".

Shaking away the thought he paced through the workshop scanning for North. As per usual he heard him before he saw him, his booming laughter coming from the kitchen area. Alan could see the back of the man he was talking to, it wasn't one of the staff so he assumed it was the new intern. Eyes scanning the young man's figure, took in the baggy clothes hanging from his petite frame and his glossy hair shining under the bright garage lights. He looks just, impossible, the universe would not be that kind to Alan.

".....Boss will introduce you to the mechanics when he gets down here"

He heard North say as he approached. There was that smell again, the saccharin mint infused honey, so strong, just like....

"When who gets down here?" Alan asked, his lungs filling with the sweet nectar as he came to a stop behind the intern.

"Oh, Boss, I was just telling Jeff here..oh, right, Boss this is the intern, Jeff"

Alan smiled as North introduced the man that would be spending the next three months with the X-Hunter team. Was Alan imagining it or did this kid look just like....?

His smile dropped rapidly from his face as the young man turned around. How could this be? Has Alan manifested this? His eyes once again took in the dark, glossy hair and smooth unmarked skin. He inhaled a deep breath as he stepped forward, the smile returning to his face as he allowed the delightful fresh aroma to invade his respiratory system. Omega.

"Nice to meet you....Jeff"

Oh fuck. The sexy Alpha was the garage owner? How the.....

North looked back and forward between his boss and the new kid, the cogs turning as he wondered why they were standing in silence, and why Boss had that ridiculous smile plastered across his face.

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