The Sleepover

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"You've got a nice house" the Omega observed as Alan switched on two floor lamps, their light flooding the large open plan lounge area. The Alpha sighed as he moved through the room.

"You don't like it?" The kid asked as he followed him through the clean, tidy space and into the kitchen.

"No, you're right it's a lovely house, it's just...sometimes I feel stupid living here alone, little old me rattling around in this place"

"Perpetually single?"

Alan laughed, "Perpetually working. My job doesn't allow for much of a social life. Huh, scratch that, it doesn't allow for any social life"

"You were out tonight"

The Omega moved to lean his back against the kitchen island as he spoke.

"Mmm, I don't know why if I'm honest. I got in the car to drive home and something...I don't know what, was telling me to go get a drink. I don't know, it's hard to explain, I just didn't feel like I should go home"

The young man stared at Alan as he spoke, watching his brow furrow as he contemplated his own words. Damn it, he was even more handsome in this light. He'd finally taken off his jacket and the cut off tank he was wearing exposed his perfectly toned arms. Was that a tattoo?

"You want a drink?"

Shaking his head the Omega watched the older man open the fridge to grab himself a beverage, calling back to the kid and repeating the offer. He glanced at the man's hands as he twisted the metal cap off of the bottle, a light hiss filling the silence as the carbonated air escaped.

"I have one rule" the Omega said, folding his arms across his chest.

Alan gulped down his mouthful of drink, "Okay"

"No kissing on the lips"

Alan's eyebrows raised and a small chuckle left his mouth, ""

"If you don't agree then I can leave"

"I didn't say's just...different"

The kid smirked, "Not what you're used to?"

Alan laughed, placing his bottle down on the worktop, "I'm not used to anything, I've never done this before"

When he saw the young man's face change he quickly backtracked, "I don't mean that, obviously I've done that. What I mean is, I haven't brought anyone back here in a long time. I told you, I'm a workaholic"

The Omega pushed himself away from the kitchen counter and went to stand in front of the Alpha.

"So you agree?"

"Mmm. What's your name?"

"Does it matter?"

Alan chuckled, "If I don't know your name what am I supposed to call you all night?"

The kid leant forward his nose grazing the inviting looking skin at the base of the Alpha's neck. He inhaled a long, slow and deep breath. "You smell like freshly cut pine trees, did you know that?"

Alan's breath had started to quicken, the Omega's own sweet scent starting to overpower him.

"And you can call me anything you like"


Alan felt a warm breath against his skin as the kid laughed, "Except that".

He hissed at the wet contact of the Omega's lips on his neck, tilting his head to the side to grant him better access.

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