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Raven was looking at the teams as they were surrounded by her band of thugs

Qrow: well isn't this a warm welcome.

Raven: well here comes the prodigal brother. Changed your mind on working for the Old Fart?

Meanwhile Beacon Office

Meanwhile Beacon Office

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Ozpin: ACHOOOO!!!!!

Glynda: did you catch a cold?

Ozpin: No....more like an annoying gnat trying to take a bite out of me.

Glynda: huh an incoming report.......Team Dark has made contact with Raven's Bandits.

Ozpin: I see. It's time I guess.

He stood up and walked towards the window and raised his hand and it glowed orange

Back to

Raven: drop your weapons your surrounded.

Shadow: Tough Talk coming from a coward who runs at the first sign of trouble.

Qrow: oof.

Raven glares at the Ultimate Lifeform

Raven glares at the Ultimate Lifeform

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Raven: ( did Summer had an affair? )

Shadow glances at Sonic who looks back and then to Ruby who also responds

He signaled a fist to Weiss who spun the cylinder on Myrtenaster

She then creates an Ice Dome protecting the Teams while the Speedsters gets to work

A Blinding Blur of Red, Black and Blue blazes around the bandits knocking out many of them

The Dome collapses as the Teams charged forward

Weiss summoned a Squad of Knights who led the spearhead

Knuckles jumped up and slammed into a group of idiots disabling them

Tails and Rouge went airborne and started picking off the Bandits from afar

Rouge was given a Stun Rifle by Tails and he was using his trusty high tech tracking boomerang

Jaune the Ultimate Lifeform - Shadow the HedgehogWhere stories live. Discover now