It's Not Fair.

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(Poem about cancer and losing a pet, if this is a sensitive topic please do not read.)

I saw you today.

You're so full of life,

Joy in your eyes

That masks your limp,

And hope in your voice.

It's not fair.

It's not fair.


Why must I lose you to cancer

While you should have had so much longer to live,

While you should have had chances,

While you should have had time?

You're so young,

Yet cancer has taken your youth,

You still love to play, 

But cancer has weakened you.

Your coat still shines, You still shake,

Your eyes still glow,

You're still alive.

You came to me,

Your body shaking with glee,

Begging for attention.

I had pet you for hours.

Then I had to go.

You're still alive,

But cancer is draining you,

You're still alive,

But you won't be soon.

You live today,

But will you die tomorrow?

You will die Wednesday.

I'm not ready to say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2024 ⏰

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