The Dance - Mildred Ratched

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A/N - Okay, so for the sake of the one-shot just pretend that Gwendolyn doesn't exist for the moment however, i loveeeeee mildolyn! i may eventually write a one-shot for them


I think i was the last one in to arrive as when i walked into Lucia State Hospital everyone was already dancing, drinking, chatting, having a great time. From the top of the stairs i could see everything such as Nurse Bucket walking over to a zoned out Mildred Ratched, who was over at the drinks station. As i began to walk slowly down the stairs, making sure i don't lose my balance, i looked at everyone dancing merrily. Patients were dancing with doctors, laughing together. We were all at peace. Finally, i managed to get over to Mildred and i noticed Nurse Bucket had already left.

"Have you seen Dolly?" Mildred blurted out.

"No, however, i do see someone who is lost at thought," She looks at me confused on who i was talking about, "You, Mildred. I mean you. Do you wanna talk to me about what's happening inside your head?"

She shakes her head, "It's too hard to explain.." She tried to shrug off the subject. Yet, i'm not having any of it.

"Mildred, i want you to know that you can always talk to me. Seriously, if somethings really bothering you, tell me."

She just nods. It soon became really awkward so i looked towards all the dancing people in-front of me. In the corner of my eye, i could see Nurse Bucket and Dr Hanover dancing together. Odd pairing but i'm not one to judge.

Suddenly, the world just stopped. The music, the laughter, everything. We soon saw a patient i wasn't expecting to see show up, Edmund Tolleson. Everyone just stared at him as his handcuffs and chains get released. As the officer left, Edmund made his way to an empty table and Mildred went straight over to him. They were in a deep conversation and i was curious to know what they were talking about. Betsy Bucket came over to me and was talking about something but i wasn't really paying any attention. I was looking at how amazingly beautiful Mildred looked. How her red hair was neatly put into a tight up-do, how her mint green dress suited her in every way. She was just perfect all together.

A few minutes go by and Mildred was standing next to me. Our hands nearly holding one another's. I could feel my cheeks blush. Since the first day Mildred came to Lucia State Hospital i've grown a small crush on the older woman.

However, One of the nurses, Dolly, was now dancing with Edmund and Nurse Bucket was back to dancing with Dr Hanover.

"Look at us just standing here," We look into each other's eyes, "We should be out there on the floor."

Mildred looks away, "Yes. Maybe someday."

We just stand there in comfortable silence until Huck came over.

"Mildred," He began, "If i could have the honour would you dance with me?"

"Yes, of course."

As she leaves she gives me one last glance with a smile. Then i soon realised i was alone. Standing. watching others dance with each other while i just stand on the sidelines.

I was soon pulled from my thoughts when Dr Hanover spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"That's enough!" He broke away from the tight embraced dance he previously was having with Betsy.

"Let me be very clear about something."

"Yes? What is it?" A confused Betsy asked

"Since the day i set foot in this hospital, i have loathed you," Betsy scoffs, "But you came with the facility and the previous owner liked you somehow and begged me not to fire you."

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