Ch. 13: Vengeance

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Luz arrived at the construction site and began to crawl out of sight, she was looking for him, she wanted justice for what he did to her. She didn't care how long it took, tonight... would be his end. Luz would be sure of it. She climbed up a support beam up to the third story of the seven story construction site. She heard the guy, she remembered him... she would never forget his face. That scar on his face, the star tattoo... she saw red when she saw him. She climbed to the ceiling and dropped down behind him.

"Hey buddy." Luz said, making the guy jump in surprise, "I want to have a few words with you."

His first instinct was to pull out a pistol, but Luz grabbed his wrist and held it at an angle that caused him to drop the gun. Luz threw a punch at his jaw, causing him to stumble backwards.

"You killed Camila Noceda. I want to know why!" Luz said, throwing another punch at him.

He fell to the ground while Luz stood above him.

"Why does it matter!?" He yelled.

He reached over and picked up his gun. Luz's spider sense made her more alert and she flipped and dodged every bullet. Luz shot a web at him and stuck the gun and his hand to the wall behind him.

"It matters because you took a mother from her child!" Luz said.

Luz walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck. She raised her fist and was about to punch him, when an arm locked with hers and yanked her away. Luz growled and looked up, seeing the one and only... The Prowler.

"Don't do this kid." Prowler said.

Luz glared at Prowler, not knowing who this was or why they were trying to stop her.

'I'm not letting this masked weirdo get in the way of my revenge.' Luz thought.

She rushed Prowler and jumped in the air. Prowler thought Luz was coming for her, but Luz used her powers and crawled past her on the ceiling.

'Not bad, Kid.' Prowler thought, 'But I'm not a rookie.'

Prowler held out her hand and her grappling hook fired from the top of her wrist, being the exact opposite of Luz's web. The grappling hook wrapped around Luz's leg and pulled her down. Luz growled and grabbed the line. She pulled on the line and Prowler was actually impressed with the strength Luz possessed, as she was thrown over Luz and into the wall. Prowler hit the wall enough to bend the metal beams. Prowler began to get up, only for Luz to walk up to her and grab her by the neck. She delivered a punch so strong she was sent flying into the ceiling, cracking the concrete, and then delivering a strong kick to Prowler on her way back down. Prowler bounced like a pebble skipping across water. She didn't count on Luz being so strong, if she wanted to knock some sense into her... she would have to do it literally.

'Oh, Kid, this is going to hurt me a lot more than it will hurt you.'

Luz walked over to Prowler, just in time for Prowlers claws to come out and her to slice at Luz. Luz dodged, only because of her Spider Sense alerting her. Luz backflipped away from Prowler, which didn't do much, as Prowler was very fast and crafty. Prowler threw a disk on the ground, which exploded in a bright flash, temporarily blinding Luz. Prowler took notes as she ran towards Luz.

'Her vison is enhanced, that hurt more than it normally would've.'

Prowler jumped and kicked Luz to the ground, before trying to hold her there... yeah, that went well. Luz easily kicked her off like a fly that landed on someone's shoulder. Prowler reangled herself in midair and landed on her feet. She let the blades on her forearms come out and charged at Luz. Luz dodged and tried to throw a punch, only for Prowler to catch it and deliver an elbow to Luz's ribs in a very specific area. Luz felt the air come from her lungs, that one strike shouldn't have been that painful, but she's never fought the Prowler, she was the master of knowing where to hit for maximum damage. Prowler then grabbed Luz and delivered two painful knees to the stomach and then a strong spin kick to Luz's jaw. Luz was knocked to the ground, feeling pain.

'Sorry kid, but it's the only way to stop you from doing something you'll regret.'

Luz refused to stay down though, just as stubborn as her mother. As the two masked people were fighting, the man stuck to the wall pulled out a knife and began cutting the web away from his hand, using the distraction to the best he could. He cut the web from his hand and ran up the stairs. Luz saw this and growled.

"No, you're not getting away!" Luz screamed.

Luz ran to follow him, but Prowler stopped her by grabbing her leg and throwing her to the ground. Luz flipped around and hit Prowler on the side of the head with her foot, almost like an Enzuigiri. Prowler let her go and Luz used her webs to zip close to the stairs. Luz ran up the stairs, while Prowler watched in horror.

'I have to stop her.'

Prowler ran up after Luz, hoping she can get there on time. Near the top of the construction site, police began to block off the area, as people heard gunshots and were wondering what was going on. Lilith walked on scene and over to the other police.

"Is he there?" She asked.

"Either it's him, or someone else that decided this was the right place to fire a gun, Detective." A lieutenant said.

Lilith heard the words "Fire a Gun" and she went pale, knowing that Luz is possibly here.

"We need to get in there." Lilith said.

"Well, if you're crazy enough to, then be my guest, but we have a wanted man with a firearm in there, and not enough officers to prevent him from escaping if he chooses to go another way." The Lieutenant said.

"I'm a Clawthorne, crazy is our middle name." Lilith said, pulling out her gun and running in.

Near the roof, the guy was reaching the end of the roof, when he was stuck in place by a web hitting his feet.

"You're not going anywhere!" Luz said.

The guy pointed his gun, but Luz fired a web at it and pulled the gun away from him. She spun around and threw it back at him. He fell back, with his feet still stuck to the floor, knocked out. Luz went to him and grabbed him, pulling him from the ground and ripping the webs off him.

"You took my mother from me, now I'm going to return the favor." Luz said, "Who knows how many others you've killed, how many families you destroyed, there are so many people in this world that mourn because of people like you... I'm ending this... and I'm ending you."

"No, you're not." Prowler said.

Luz turned to face them.

"Why is it so important to you that I let this scum go!?" Luz said.

"Because this isn't right."

"I'm getting justice!"

"You're getting revenge!"

"It's the same thing!"

"No it's not!"

"Why is this so important to you!"

Eda took her mask off.

"Because I refuse to lose anymore family to this guy."

Luz's eyes widened when she saw her aunt.


"Kid, don't do this." Eda said, "This isn't going to bring Camila back."

"It will make me feel better."

"Will it!?" Eda asked, "Luz, your mother wouldn't want this! She didn't believe in killing, she hated the idea of taking someone's life!"

Luz looked at the person that took her mother from her, but that only made her angry.

"Sorry Eda."

Luz dropped him.


Luz threw a kick and Sparta'd him off the roof.

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