The Murderer in hiding

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Wiatt's POV
Oh my god Lewis, my love, is gone. Sure we broke up but I still love him... I know it's been few years but I can't stop loving him... I can't stop crying..

Sara's POV
Oh my god, my best friend, my first friend, the person who helped me trust is dead. What do we argue, if only we talk instead of fighting.

3rd POV
Oliver: I know we are grieving but what if the killer is still here AMONG US!!!
Eric: calm down Oliver it can't be among us as the time of Lewis' death happened when we are all together.
Hayden: I know I shouldn't say this in-front of kids but we should get the hell out.
Pen: I'm with Hayden.

The group gone to every exit and even the main entrance but they are all locked.

Damian: I think that the killer locked the doors with Lewis' keys.
Eric: let's just use Sara or Oliver's keys to unlock the main entrance!
Oliver: well...
Sara: about that...
Eric: you did bring your keys, didn't you?
Oliver: I kinda of left my keys at home.
Sara: and I left mine in my car.
Hayden: Idiots.
Hazel: I bet you guys wished you had pay the phone lines or add more exits?
Carly: look we have a whole life time to blame Sara and Oliver but we have to escape first!!!
Pen: you're right!
James: maybe we could use the race carts to knock down the entrance!
John: no. That's damaging property.
Hayden: who cares about damage property over our lives?!?!
Sara: plus it won't work, the entrance and doors are made of really tough metal.
Mike: maybe we could search for the spare keys.
All: Spare keys?
Mike: yea, during one of the meetings, he said that there are spare keys in certain rooms like in chest in the theatre or in the trampoline park.
Sara: man I should really pay more attention.
Eric checks in the chest.
Eric: nope the spare keys aren't in there.
Damian: it seems that the killer got them before us.
Sara: come on guys there is still hope let's find the other spare keys in trampoland.
Alyssa: hey Mike do know where the other spare keys are?
Mike: sorry, no.
Alyssa: it's alright you helped enough us. Cmon let's find those keys.
The group go into the trampoline park to find the keys.

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