1- Prologue (Dark was the night)

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"Bonnie! Come on, you've got to get to hair and makeup." One of the stage ushers called out to me, breaking me out of my trance.

Come on...Say it.

"Sh!" I quickly put a finger to my lips, turning back to my phone screen. "...Say it." I whispered to myself, silently praying.

He looked at me with a confused expression, "But—"

My manager quickly interrupted him, "You heard her! Just go, we'll be there!" I blinked at the screen, waiting for the broadcaster to stop talking so much about Eurovision and to just get to the point.

"You did great on the national finals, I'm optimistic." My manager gave me a tiny squeeze on the forearm. I replied, not taking my eyes off the screen, "You think so?"

"I know so."

Say it....Come on, just say it.

I braced myself for impact as the national broadcasting sounded out loudly from my phone. I could only focus on my heavy breathing.

The background noise of cables and wires being hauled around the backstage area was damn near deafening. I didn't want to hear anything, just the results.

Say it already...

"And the United Kingdom representative for Eurovision 2024 is...." The broadcaster made a drumroll sound with his hands, a saccharine face of excitement plastered all over his face. I took a sharp breath in through my nostrils.

I interlocked my hands underneath my chin, my bracelets clinking against eachother.

Say it!

"....Bonnibel Blue!" He belted out, deepening his voice in thrill. I heard it, I just couldn't comprehend the words.

Bonnibel...? Bonnibel, that's my name!

"My name! That's my name!" I turned to my manager, Derrick, looking him in the eye with astonishment. I quickly placed my hands on his shoulder blades and screamed, "That's my name!"

He nodded, in sheer disbelief himself, "It's your name!"

I took another glance at the screen, finding a picture of myself in the background. "Oh my god, that's me!" I affirmed to myself, doubting the result.

Derick's jaw was slacked open, but he suddenly lifted it up into a giant smile, "You're going to Eurovision!"

It sounded so weird to hear that just come out of his mouth, "I'm going to Eurovision!"

We both got up in a swift motion, holding onto eachother's shoulders and shrieking like fangirls right before a One Direction concert.

"We're going to Eurovision, Derick!" I yelled, cupping his face. His ice cold eyes widened again, "You just said that? There's no way you just said that!"

I nodded my head, laughing like a lunatic, "I just did!"

"You know what this means?" I asked, not even giving him to reply, "Thirty second dance party!" I answered myself, beginning to break it down right in my place. Derick didn't even think before joining me, laughing himself.

Oh right— I didn't even introduce myself. Let me run it down real quick since I'm running late for a concert.

I'm Bonniebel Blue, well at least that's what everyone knows me as. My real name is Bonnie Celeste Beekhof. Not so eye catching, is it?

I'm Dutch, but since I was born in the UK, I just happened to gain citizenship. That's why I'm going to be representing the United Kingdom at Eurovision, just to clear that out of the way.

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