🥀Chapter 1🥀

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T H E   S T A R T 

Author POV

Priest: "Do you take Ms. Kim Jisoo to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Jin: "I do."

Priest: "And do you take Mr. Kim Seokjin to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Jisoo: "I do."

Priest: "You may now kiss the bride."

Jennie POV

YES, FINALLY! Jisoonie has married the one and only Seokjin oppa, AHHH!

"Unnie, I'm so happy for you!" Lisa exclaimed.

"Thank you, Lisa," Jisoonie responded.

Rose, Lisa, and Jisoo were locked in an embrace.

"YAH! What about me?" I protested.

"Jendukie, where have you been?" Jisoonie inquired.

"Hmph, I'm angry!" I declared, stamping my foot.

"Aww, come here," beckoned Jisoonie, and soon the four of us were huddled in a hug.

"Ahem," Jin oppa feigned clearing his throat.

"Jisoonie, I think it's time you went to your Worldwide Handsome now!" I teased unnie.

"YAH JENNIE! You'll get a slap if you repeat that," Jisoonie whispered threateningly.

"Buh-bye~~," Rose, Lisa, and I chorused.

Jisoo POV

After they left, I approached Jin.

"Jin-ah, why did you call me?" I asked.

"Sooya, don't I have the right to spend time with my wife?" he replied with a cute pout.

"Oh, shut up, you're just flattering me," I retorted.

"I love you," Jin declared.

"I love you more," I responded.

Time Skip - 2 Months

Jisoo POV

As I sat on the bed, Jin was asleep. Suddenly, I felt a back hug and a palm over my eyes.

"Jin, that's you," I said.

He removed his hand and hugged me from behind again.

"Chu~," he whispered.

"Hmm," I murmured in response.

"Eomma wants to meet us for lunch today; she's coming over," he informed me.

"Eomma is coming! It's been so long since her last visit! I'll let Jennie, Rose, and Lisa know; they might plan to go out today with Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook," I exclaimed.

"Okay, Chu~," he replied, resting his face against my collarbone, his breath fanning my skin.

"Jin, can you let go so I can get ready?" I asked.

He gave me a pouting look, his eyes sparkling, pleading.

"You know, please," I echoed his expression.

"Okay, fine," he relented.

I proceeded to get ready.

Dressed in a black dress, with him in a black suit, he looked GODDAMN HAWT. Regaining my composure, we awaited Eomma's arrival while the others headed to an amusement park.

The doorbell chimed - Ding Dong.

Jin opened the door to greet Eomma.

"Hi Eomma!" he greeted.

"Move aside, let me see my daughter-in-law," Eomma insisted.

"Hi Eomma!" I greeted her in return.

"JISOO~," Eomma exclaimed, "You're as beautiful as ever! Are you eating well? Is Jin treating you right? If he isn't..."

I interjected, "Eomma, we're doing just fine."

As we sat down for lunch, Eomma broached a sensitive topic.

"So, when will you give me grandchildren?" she inquired.

Her question caught me off guard, and I choked on my rice.

Jin quickly handed me a glass of water and rubbed my back.

"Eomma, I—" I started.

"We will soon," Jin interjected, to which I shot him a Bombastic side-eye, Criminal offensive side-eye.

Nevertheless, we continued our lunch.

Time Skip - Half an Hour

Author POV

Jin and Jisoo said goodbye to Eomma and settled on the couch.

Suddenly, the door lock clicked. Surprised, as they hadn't given out their house keys, Jisoo pulled knives from her boots and Jin drew his gun from his suit. 

As the door swung open, they gripped their weapons tightly. 

Jennie burst in, gasping for breath as if she had been fleeing the Kinsutie Mafia. 

"Jendukie, are you okay?" Jisoo asked. 

"Unnie, the Kinsutie Mafia, they're on the loose," Jennie managed to say. 

The rest followed in a rush. Jin and Jisoo calmed them down and offered glasses of water.

"Unnie, we were at the amusement park when the gunfire broke out; many people are injured," Lisa explained. 

"Are you all okay?" Jisoo asked. 

"Yes, we are," Rose confirmed. 

"We need to call TXT & Itzy," Jungkook declared. 

"I'll call Itzy," Jisoo volunteered. 

"And I'll call TXT," Jennie added.

Jisoo POV

Calling Yeji 🩶

Call picked up

Yeji: Hi Unnie, how are you? I'm sorry we couldn't attend Jin oppa's and your wedding.

Jisoo: I'm good, it's okay, but we need you to come over.

Yeji: Unnie, is everything alright?

Jisoo: Sort of, Kinsutie mafia has escaped.

Yeji: We're on our way.

Call ended

Jennie POV

Calling Yeonjun 🩶 (Guys I'm not shipping Jennie with Yeonjun, these colored hearts are used to indicate a specific team of ship like Yeji and Yeonjun so grey Heart these are mentioned in the story description.)

Call picked up

Yeonjun: Hello, noona.

Jennie: Yeonjun, we need TXT here; Kinsutie mafia is on the loose.

Yeonjun: We're on our way, noona.

Call Ended

"I've informed them; they're on their way," I announced.

A chorus of nods followed.


Hiiiii Guys! This is the first chapter; I hope you like it!

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