🥀Chapter 4🥀

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F I R S T   M I S S I O N 

Yuna POV

As we geared up for our inaugural mission—robbing the bank of NYC—I felt a mix of fear and determination coursing through me.

"We stick together, no matter what," Jin oppa reminded us solemnly.

We all nodded in agreement, bracing ourselves for what lay ahead.

"Here's the plan," Jisoo Unnie began, laying out the details.

"The bank has two entrances and one exit," Yeji unnie added, her voice steady. "The first entrance is on the southwest, and the second is on the southeast. The exit is to the north."

"So, Jin hyung, V hyung, Beomgyu, and I will take the southwest entrance," Yeonjun oppa chimed in, outlining our team assignments. "Jimin hyung, Jungkook hyung, Soobin, and Taehyun will cover the southeast."

"Yuna and Ryujin, you'll be stationed atop the adjacent buildings, keeping watch and neutralizing any threats," Jisoo Unnie instructed. "Jennie, Rose, Lisa, Yeji, and I will blend in as employees to access the files we need. Chaeryoung, Lia, and Kai, you'll guard the exit and intervene if necessary."

"Once inside, the southeast team will handle the money collection while the southwest group watches over the safe," Yeji unnie continued, her tone decisive.

"We either make a clean getaway or go down fighting," Jin oppa reminded us, his voice firm.

"Let's move out," Yeonjun oppa declared, signaling the start of our operation.

In the bank

Yeonjun POV

Jennie noona informed us that they were in.

Jisoo noona said, "Southwest group, get in. The coast is clear."

Rose noona warned, "Southeast, do not enter. I repeat, DO NOT ENTER."

Yuna asked, "There are four suspicious men. Do we shoot them?"

"Shoot them," Jisoo noona replied.

"Roger that," Ryujin confirmed.

Lisa noona stated, "Southwest, you can enter."

"Ugh," Yeji expressed her frustration.

Jisoo noona inquired, "Is everything good?"

"If that guy touches you again, I'm going to beat the hell out of him," I threatened as I witnessed a guy touching Yeji.

"Relax, guys," Jimin oppa reassured us.

"Unnie, I-I'm shot," Yuna revealed.

"WHERE?" Lisa noona whispered urgently.

"On my arm," Yuna replied.

"You will have a bandage in your bag and a medkit. Use that," Jisoo noona instructed.

Rose POV

I descended to the lower level where the information was stored, making my way through the underground floor. Suddenly, I felt a firm grip on my wrist, causing me to startle.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I asked, trying to regain my composure.

The old Hag smirked and replied, "Hey there, beautiful. Care to be mine?"

"Sir, please release me," I demanded, attempting to free my wrist from his grasp.

Before he could respond, Jimin swiftly intervened and shot the old man.

"Thank you, babe," I expressed my gratitude.

"No problem. I think it's time for us to leave," Jimin suggested.

"Yes, you're right," I agreed.

"We've obtained the information," Yeji and I simultaneously announced.

"We've got the money," Yeonjun added.

"I believe it's time to make our exit," Jennie unnie suggested.

However, before we could react, chaos erupted as gunfire broke out.

"Everyone, it's time to take action," Jisoo unnie declared with a smirk.

Jisoo unnie and I swiftly utilized our rope knives to eliminate some of the guards.

"30 down, only 10 more to go," I reported.

Yeonjun and Jimin threw smoke grenades to obstruct their vision, but luckily, Chaeryoung had developed these incredible 'Anti-Smoke Grenade glasses' that allowed us to see through the smoke.

"Wow, Chae, your glasses really work," Jennie complimented.

"Thank you, Jennie unnie" Chaeryoung responded.

We all engaged in a fierce battle, eliminating anyone we encountered, except for our own group.

"Guys, the exit is clear. Let's move quickly!" Kai urged.

"Ladies, please go first," Jin offered.

"We've made it out," Jisoo informed us.

"The southeast group has successfully exited," Jungkook reported.

"The southwest group is out as well," Jin confirmed.

"We need to locate Yuna and Ryujin," Jennie stated.

"Unnie, we're down, we're on our way," Ryujin assured.

"Is everyone accounted for?" Jin asked as he started the car.

"Yes, we're all here," Jimin confirmed.

After an hour long drive

Yeji POV

Yeonjun inquired, "Hyung, when will we have our next mission?"

Jin oppa replied, "Most likely, tomorrow."

"TOMORROW?!" Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

"Relax, it's not the downfall of JYP and Big Hit. It's just that Exo knows about the robbery, and we need to take them down," Jin oppa reassured.

"Oh, okay," Chaeryoung responded after taking a mouthful of rice, egg, and kimchi.

"Guys, get some rest now," Jisoo unnie advised.

I headed to mine and Yeonjun's room.

"Yeji~," he called out.

"Hmm" I replied.

"Did that guy touch you again?" he asked.

"Nope," I answered.

"And why do you ask?" I inquired.

"Because if he did, I won't spare him for even a moment," he declared.

"Okay..." I said, brushing my hair as he suddenly lifted me up bridal style.

"YAH! Put me down!" I protested.

He placed me gently on the bed and hovered over me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I struggled to speak without stuttering.

"Sleeping," he replied, resting his head on my chest.

I playfully tousled his hair, and we shared a kiss. OH MY GAWWWWWD, THAT WAS MY FIRST EVER FVCKING KISSSSS!!!!!! AHHH!!!!


Hi guys!!!!!!!!!! I will do a double update today maybe I don't know exactly, but hope you like this chapter!!!!

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