🥀Chapter 2🥀

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T H E   A R R I V A L 

At the airport

Yeji POV

"Yeonjun Baby~~," I called out as I saw him.

"Yeji~, how are you?" Yeonjun asked, embracing me and pulling me close.

"I'm good, but what brings you here?" I inquired.

"Jennie noona called me, warning that the Kinsutie mafia is on the loose," he explained.

"Jisoo unnie warned us about the same thing," I noted.

"Then we should all stick together," he suggested.

"Yeonjun, have you heard? Jennie unnie and Taehyung oppa are dating," I probed.

"WHAT?! Ahem, I mean, no," he stammered.

I laughed, "That was exactly my reaction when Jennie unnie told me. Now, I'm just waiting for Rose unnie and Jimin oppa to start dating!"

"Indeed," he agreed.

"Guys, get a room," Taehyun teased from behind. So, we began walking, holding hands because I'm clingy to my baby. I want the other girls who dare to lay eyes on him to know he's mine.

At Blacktan's house


The bell rang, and I went to open the door.

"FINALLY, you've all arrived!" I exclaimed.

"Why did it take you so long?!" Jisoo chimed in from behind.

"Noona, these two needed to get a room!" Soobin teased, pointing at Yeonjun and Yeji.

Jisoo and I burst into laughter.

"Unnie, are you married?! YOU'RE WEARING A RING!!!" Chaeryoung gasped.

"Let's just say we both are," I replied, drawing Jisoo closer.

"OH MY GOSH!!!! AHHHH!!!! YES!!! YOU BOTH GOT MARRIED!!!!" Ryujin screamed excitedly from behind.

"Wait, Yeji, Yeonjun, Yuna, and Kai didn't tell you?!" Jisoo asked.


"BECAUSE WE WERE ON A MISSION!" Yeji and Yuna shouted back.

"Are you going to stand there or come inside?" Jennie interjected as Taehyung gave her a quick kiss.


Laughter filled the air as we ushered Txtzy inside and made them comfortable.

In the discussion room

Yeji POV

"So, you all, as we know the Kinsutie mafia is on the loose, we need to get them and defeat them." Jisoo unnie said.

"We will conduct these in 3 steps - Number one Robbing the bank of NYC" Jin oppa said.

"And why do we have to that?" Soobin asked.

"Because that is where all of the money of the Kinsutie mafia is located." I answered.

"For some of you who don't know Kinsutie mafia consists of 3 groups - JYP, Big Hit and YG" Yeonjun said.

"Second is the downfall of JYP and Big Hit." Jin oppa said

"And do we need to explain how to do that?" Jisoo unnie asked.

"Nope" Chaeryoung said.

"Third and last is to kill YG." Yeonjun said.

"I declare the meeting over, we start training sharp at 4 am which will end at 8pm." I said

Jimin POV

"It's now or never," I thought to myself.

I approached Rose. "Hi Rose, can we talk?"

"Sure," she replied.

After a bit of chit-chat, I gathered my courage.

"Rose, I really need to confess something. I like you, and it's okay if you don't feel the same abo—" Before I could finish, I felt her lips on mine.

"I love you too, Mochi. I've wanted to say that since the day we met," she said, smiling.

We shared a kiss.

"GUYS, UGH, GET A F*CKING ROOM!" Taehyun exclaimed, sounding exasperated.

We burst into laughter.


Hi guys, I hope you like this chapter 💕

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