🥀Chapter 5🥀

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Taehyung POV

We were all summoned to the meeting room by Jungkook.

"Noonas and Hyungs, we've received an email from two groups at YG Kinsutie Empire," Jungkook announced.

"Which groups?" Lisa inquired.

"Got7 and 2ne1-" JK was cut off by the girls

"JINYOUNG OPPAAAA!!!!!!" the girls exclaimed in unison.

"Ahem, sorry," Rose apologized.

"Do you know him?" Jimin questioned.

"Chim! Don't you remember? They helped us out when we were in a bind," Rose reminded.

"Oh, right..." Jimin recalled.

"I think we should collaborate with them," I suggested.

"Go ahead and accept the email, JK," Jin Hyung directed.

"The meeting is adjourned," Jungkook declared.

At the dining table

Jennie POV

"Guys, we're going out shopping today," I announced.

"Okay," Taehyung responded.

"Be careful, everyone. Kinsutie is still out there," Jungkook warned.

"We will be," Lisa assured him, giving his cheek a peck.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!" we all exclaimed, except for Lisa and Jungkook.

"Yeah..." Lisa confirmed.

"HOBI LORD, YES!" I cheered.

Then, we all sat down to eat our lunch.


"Unnie, can we go shoe shopping?" Yuna asked Jennie.

"Yep," Jennie replied, emphasizing the 'p' sound.

??? POV

"Suho, are these the correct girls?" inquired D.O.

"Indeed," Suho confirmed with a smirk.

We approached the girls, covered their mouths with a cloth, and they lost consciousness.

"Kai (NOT HEUNING KAI) hyung, the task is complete," Sehun announced, and I smirked in response.

Lisa POV

I awoke to find my friends also bound to chairs with ropes.

"Guys, wake up!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, and they stirred awake.

"Where are we?" Lia inquired.

"We don't know," Jennie Unnie replied.

I pressed my tracker to signal the boys that we were in danger.

A masked figure appeared in front of us.

Jungkook POV 

We were all seated in the meeting room when my phone rang, showing the girls' location—they were in trouble.

"Hyungs, the girls are in danger," I announced.

"Get your stuff; we're going to get them back," Taehyung hyung declared.


"What do you want from us?" Lisa unnie asked

"Jisoo" The person answered

"NEVER" Jennie unnie answered

"Well too bad." The person said

The person uncuffed Jisoo unnie and took her.

"LEAVE ME" Jisoo unnie said as she fought with him.

The person took unnie.

"UNNIE, NO!" I shouted

A bunch of several men came and started to hit us.

Time Skip - 15 minutes

Jisoo POV

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I demanded as I was forcibly taken to another room.

"Nothing, just your groups presence," the individual retorted.

"Why?" I inquired.

"They aimed to eliminate us, correct?" the individual repeated.

"You're Exo?" I realized.

"It took you long enough," the individual remarked.

"Just provide us with answers, and there will be no issues," the individual insisted.

"That's never going to happen," I stated firmly.

"Too bad," the individual said before striking me.

"Do you desire the downfall of the Kinsutie mafia?" the individual questioned.

I remained silent, enduring several more blows.

Chaeryoung POV

We were repeatedly struck for not answering Exo's questions.

"I will ask one last time, why did—" D.O. was cut off mid-sentence by a gunshot.

"Who's there?" Exo's Kai inquired.

"Your worst nightmare," Jennie unnie declared.

"SHUT UP—" Before Exo's Kai could strike unnie, Taehyung oppa intervened.

Yeonjun oppa and Taehyun liberated us.

"Well, well, you all finally arrived," Exo's Kai remarked.

"Is everyone alright?" Taehyun whispered.

"Somewhat," I replied.

A fierce battle ensued; many Exo members perished, leaving only Kai.

"You may think you'll all leave together, but sadly, someone is missing," Kai stated.

"Whom are you referring to?" Jin oppa questioned.

"Your wife," Kai revealed.

Sehun appeared with Jisoo unnie, his knife pressed against her throat.

"YOU—" Jin oppa was silenced by Sehun.

"Take one more step and she dies," Sehun threatened.



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