Chapter 1

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"I want breakup" said Yoongi with a blank face....staring at shocked Hoseok

"Wh-what?" stuttered Hoseok

Lets go to flashback

6 yrs ago

Hoseok = 18 yrs old
Yoongi = 20 yrs old
Yoongi's frnds = Namjoon, Seokjin, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung

Namjoon and Seokjin  = 20 yrs old
Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung = 18 yrs old

Namjoon and Seokjin are dating

Hoseok belonged to rich family...His father was and is the owner Jung Industries...although they are not the richest still their company comes in top 50 companies in Korea...

Hoseok met Yoongi in University...he was one year older than Hoseok...

Min Yoongi was opposite of Hoseok...Hoseok was bubbly sunshine on the other hand Yoongi was quite and savage...

But the major difference was in their lifestyles

...Hoseok belonged to rich family...his both parents were involved in business...they loved Hoseok but never got time for him...Hoseok used to live with his nanny till he was 15 and then started to live alone in big ass mansion whenever his parents would go to business trips...Hoseok got comfortable life but no love of family...also his frnds were with him just because he is rich and is popular in school...and he knew it

On the other hand Min Yoongi...he belonged to middle class family...his father was school teacher and mother was a housewife...he also had a younger brother...his parents always had time for him...his home was small but lively...he had 5 other frnds who were with him for his friendship and not for money or status

Soon Hoseok and Yoongi became friends...both were complete opposite but still had great chemistry...hoseok met Yoongi's other friends and immediately captured their hearts with his bubbly nature...he started hanging out with them more than his own group...Yoongi's group were amazed to see the son of rich man behaving so humble and down to earth

Hoseok never told his parents about his new frnds as they would have told him to stay away from middle class people...and Hoseok didn't want that as he for the first time felt what real friendship is...and he didn't want to loose it...

Soon Yoongi fell for Hoseok but was scared to propose him due to their class difference...Hoseok was rich and Yoongi was middle class...he thought Hoseok would never love a middle class...but he was proved wrong when Hoseok proposed him first...

Hoseok heard Yoongi speaking his fears to Namjoon and felt so happy to know Yoongi also love with the help of jimin, jungkook and Taehyung planned everything and he proposed Yoongi asking him to be his boyfriend and of course who is Yoongi to deny the from then they become boyfriends...

Yoongi took Hoseok to his house to meet his family...there Hoseok got to know what real family is...

He loved to watched Mr.and Mrs .Min bickering over small things...he would adore how Yoongi's brother would tease him and then how Yoongi would chase him all over the house...he loved how Mrs. Min would cook for them with love and then force him to eat more as he was looking thin according to her...

He loved Min family...they felt like home...Hoseok would spend more time with them...

Soon Hoseok's parents got to know about him and Yoongi...they confronted Hoseok and asked him to choose between them and Yoongi... Hoseok for once choose to be selfish and choosed Yoongi over his parents...Hoseok parents were disappointed in Hoseok...

1 and half yrs ago Hoseok along with Yoongi and their friends moved to Seoul to persue their career...Yoongi and Namjoon decided to drop out of college and start to produce music as they wanted to be music producer...Hoseok and Jin supported their partners...

Hoseok, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung took admission in Seoul University doing part time jobs...

Hoseok took dance major as he wanted to be choreographer...he would attend college in morning and then work in cafe till 6pm...

Yoongi along with Namjoon started working on music...

Everything was going smoothly...but one week ago when Hoseok was at work...Mr.Jung along with his secretary Kai visited Yoongi...

Yoongi was in his room doing work on laptop when the doorbell of his apartment rang

He opened the door only to witness Mr.Jung...he was not expecting Mr.Jung to be here...getting out of his trance he invited him in house...

Yoongi asked Mr.Jung if he wanted something to drink but Mr.Jung denied

"I don't want anything Yoongi...I am here for a deal"  said Mr.Jung

"Deal?" Yoongi gets confused

"Yes to break up with my son" Mr.Jung said coldly

"What? what nonsense are you speaking" Yoongi got angry

"Its not nonsense Yoongi...first hear me out...the deal is in you favour" mr.jung calmed Yoongi down

"In my favour? How?"

"You know son used to live a luxurious life...he used to get whatever he want...we used to give him everything before he even ask for it...he had a very comfortable life...he used to live in big mansion...sleep on a big comfortable mattress...wear branded clothes...had maid to do all his work...but look how he got now...he have to adjust in this small apartment...wear cheap clothes...and most importantly work in cafe to earn money...look how his life got now...and all happened because of his stupidity of falling for a middle class he would have been on his mattress enjoying luxuary but he is at cafe working his ass off just to get some money..."

Yoongi listened everything Mr.Jung said with concentration

"Now lets talk about deal is I will give you 1 thousand million won along with work opportunity as music producer in Jinhit Entertainment and in return you will break up with Hoseok send him to me"
Mr.Jung told about deal to Yoongi who started thinking something

"So tell me you accept the deal" Mr.Jung smirked as he was sure Yoongi would accept the deal...Yoongi continued to think about the deal and finally spoke

"Ok...I accept the deal" said Yoongi with blank face

To be countinued......

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