Chapter 2

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"Ok...I accept the deal" said Yoongi with blank face....

"Good I knew you are intelligent boy...good choice so lets talk about money I will..."

"No...I don't want your money neither that job offer...I will break up with Hoseok so that he can get his comfortable life back and live a happy life" Yoongi cut off Mr.Jung coldly

Mr.Jung got speechless so he said "ok as you wish" and left from there...Yoongi sat on the couch and started crying

From then Yoongi is ignoring Hoseok and giving him cold shoulders...Hoseok is not able to understand what happened to Yoongi...why he is behaving like this...he also asked Namjoon if it is related to work but Namjoon denied it

So today when Hoseok came home from cafe he saw Yoongi sitting on couch thinking deeply...

Hoseok cleared his throat breaking Yoongi from trance

"What happened Yoongi...what are you thinking" Hoseok took seat infront of Yoongi

"I want to talk something important Hoseok" Yoongi said coldly


"I want breakup" Yoongi said to Hoseok with a blank face

"What? I hear something else...could you pls repeat"

"You heard it right...I said I want to break up with you" Yoongi shouted a little standing up from couch

"Why?" asked hoseok with teary eyes...he also stood up

"Cause I fell out of love...also your father offered me money and job offer in Jinhit Entertainment in return of breaking up with you which I accepted" Yoongi said keeping his face blank and voice cold

"Yo-you are lying (sniffles) lying right...its is some kind of prank...I know...where (sniffles) where is camera huh" Hoseok asked Yoongi shaking his collar...Yoongi's heart broke seeing his love crying but he controlled himself thinking Hoseok would be happy in future

" I am not lying ok...its truth just accept it...we are breaking up...I am going out...I want you and your luggage gone from here before I come back " Yoongi pushed Hoseok's hand away from his collar and went out of the house

He could hear Hoseok's loud cries...he wanted nothing but to run back to his love, to his life and take him bone crushing...kiss him all over his face...make love to him...but he stopped his emotions and went to garden which is 10 minutes ways from their house....he sat under a tree in garden

Yoongi's POV

I am feeling really heart is breaking into pieces thinking of Hoseok leaving me...but it is necessary for Hoseok's future...he will cry for some days or months but then he will find someone who can love him more than me...who will keep him like a prince...who will fulfill all his wishes...

I noticed few days how Hoseok would come home all tired from attending college and working whole day...he is even neglecting his career and health so that I can focus on my career...

Mr.Jung was right...if only he didn't  fell for me...he would have been enjoying his luxurious life away from all the problems....

I will miss him a lot...I don't think I will be able to love anyone after Hoseok...I just hope Hoseok gets all happiness he deserve...

End of Yoongi's POV

"I love you Hoseok" Yoongi whispered to himself...looking at moon

He watched as couple walked hands in hands

Yoongi chuckled remembering how Hoseok wanted to hold hands but pout when Yoongi refused...and how he kissed Hoseoks pout away making him so red that he could be compared to tomato and how Hoseok hugged him trying to hide his flustered  face making Yoongi laugh

Yoongi started reminiscing all the moments with Hoseok and started crying out loudly....

He continued crying but stopped when hear heard his phone ringing...he wiped his tears and took out phone only to see Namjoon calling him

He answered the call


"Hello Yoongi where are you"

"What happen Namjoon you are sounding panicked"

"I am at your house...I came here to talk to you about something but when I enter I found door of you house opened and Hoseok was lying on floor unconscious "

"What" yoongi stood up panicked and worried

"Yes plz come fast"

"Yes yes.. I-I  am coming...I am coming"

Yoongi cut the call and sprinted towards his house...he ran as fast as he can wishing for Hoseok's safety

In few minutes he reached home

"Where is he" asked Yoongi to Namjoon

"In room" Yoongi ran towards his room...Namjoon went out of the house to his apartment which is just a floor down to give the couple some privacy

Yoongi entered the room witnessing Hoseok laying on bed unconscious...he immediately ran and sat down beside him

Yoongi took Hoseok's hand in his "wake up Hoseok...plz I am sorry I made you worried...plz wake up...I love you... I will die if something happens to you"...he started crying holding Hoseok's hand looking down

"So you love me now" Yoongi heard voice and lift up his head only to see Hoseok looking at him in anger.....

"You are fine" Yoongi asked in disbelief

"Yes it was an act" replied Hoseok

To be continued.....

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