Chapter 5

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Thudddddd...he got tight slap

Yoongi and Hoseok got shocked as Yoongi got slapped...he looked up to see angry red face Jin with Namjoon behind him...

"Hy-hyung wh..." Yoongi gets cut off when Jin holds his collar...


Jin continue his rap shaking Yoongi by collars...Yoongi look behind Seokjin to see Hoseok smirking and Namjoon laughing at him...he looked at Namjoon for help but Namjoon hold his hands up in surrender and ...then he looked at Hoseok who mouthed 'You Deserve It'...

Yoongi looks at Hoseok with a look of I-will-see-you-later...

Finally after 5 minutes of Jin's rap Namjoon took pity on Yoongi's condition and decided to interfere...

"Ok ok jinniie calm down...he learnt his lesson...he will not do anything like this again leave the poor man now" Namjoon frees Yoongi's collar from Jin's hold...and Yoongi took sigh of relief...

"Huh why are you guys here"... hoseok comes forward and stand beside Yoongi

" ah yes we bring dinner for you guys...I thought you will be hungry and will not get time to make anything so me and jinie brought it"...states Namjoon keeping the tiffin on the table...

"Aww thank you hyungies"... Hoseok said...

" no problem hobi...we are leaving now...and you (points on Yoongi) I have my eyes on you"...says Seokjin and Yoongi nods fearfully...he is really scared of 2seok's anger...

After Namjoon and Seokjin left Hoseok started laughing loudly and Yoongi looks at him fondly...hoseok noticed it and stopped laughing turning red...

"What are you looking at"

"Just looking at my love...why? do you have any problem with that"...Yoongi wrap his arms around Hoseok's waist pulling him closer...

"I am hungry yoonie" pouts Hoseok

"Lets eat baby" Yoongi kisses his pout and release him...Yoongi takes the tiffin from table and ask Hoseok to sit on dining table...
Soon Yoongi comes back with plates and both started eating the dinner...

After dinner both cuddled on sofa watching a random actually Hoseok was watching movie...Yoongi was just watching Hoseok...

Yoongi couldn't control anymore and push Hoseok on sofa kissing him taking him by surprise...soon the kiss got heated as Yoongi slides his hands under Hoseok's tshirt squeezing his waist making him moan and Yoongi finds the opportunity and entered his toungue in Hoseok's mouth exploring each and every inch of it...

He picks up Hoseok and take him to room placing gently on bed without breaking the kiss...

"I love you" murmurs Yoongi in Hoseok's ear kissing it

They broke the kiss...Yoongi started planting kisses on Hoseok's neck leaving him moaning mess...biting and sucking it making a hickey...

He then back away a little to see the hickey he created and said 'mine'....he looks into Hoseok's eyes and kissed his forehead...

" May I " asked Yoongi making Hoseok smile...this is the thing he loves abt Yoongi alot...even after they have done it so many times Yoongi always ask his consent...

Hoseok pulls Yoongi closer and kiss him giving him a green signal and thats it Yoongi pin his hand above his head and deepens the kiss....

Soon there clothes got discarded and that night two souls got united again...the apartment got fill with moans and I love yous...Yoongi showed Hoseok how much he loves him and Hoseok showed Yoongi how much he craves for him...they made promises of never leaving each other and the rest of the night was filled with love...

Next Morning...

Yoongi woke up first only to see Hoseok sleeping like a baby...he look at him...Hoseok was in Yoongi's shirt...his neck adorned with hickies...Hoseok was looking lovely...Yoongi continued to admire Hoseok...thinking how he got so lucky to have such an angel in his life...

He also reminisced the incident of yesterday making him ashamed of ever thinking of breaking up with Hoseok...

Soon Hoseok woke up only to see Yoongi staring him that made him blush making Yoongi chuckle...they have been dating for 5 yrs but still Hoseok gets shy when Yoongi stares at him lovingly...

"What time is it hyung"... Hoseok ask in low voice

" its 11.25 am" Yoongi checks the clock

"Whatt...ahhh" Hoseok moans in pain as he suddenly sat up on bed only to fall again fall on bed

"Woah slow down" Yoongis says as he helps Hoseok sit up and put pillows behind his back for support...

"Hyung I am late for work oh noo" Hoseok panicks

"Baby calm down today is Sunday means no work" Yoongi calms Hoseok...

"Oh thank god" Hoseok tries to stand but falls on ground with a uuufff

"Oh my" Yoongi hurries towards Hoseok and picks him up "Are you ok baby"

" This all happen because of human Cat"...says Hoseok as Yoongi takes him to bathroom

"Oh cat huh...but last night you were calling me something else" Smirks Yoongi as he sees Hoseok's flushed face

Soon both brush their teeths and had shower...coming out Yoongi help Hoseok with clothes and both get ready...

Namjin and vminkook joined them in afternoon and they spend their day watching movies, playing games and vminkook teasing Hoseok about the hickies making him hide his face in Yoongi's chest...

In evening everyone went to their respective homes leaving the couple alone...both were cuddling on couch when they hear the doorbell ring...

They opened the door only to get shocked seeing...........

To be continued.....

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