Chapter 3

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"You are fine" Yoongi asked in disbelief

"Yes it was an act" replied Hoseok

"What rubbish is this" Yoongi stood up from bed angrily

"Rubbish?...its not rubbish dont love me right...then why did you came here running and crying when Namjoon told you I fainted" Hoseok sat up on bed
"Why did you say I love you"

"Its...its just to wake u up...yeah just to wake  you up...If something would have happened to you...your father would have killed me...that's why I lied that I love you" stuttered Yoongi...not making eye contact with Hoseok

"Oh really...ok I believe you" Hoseok got up from bed and walk in front of Yoongi
"You said my dad gave you money show me where it is"

"Its..its not with me...I umm I kept it with my friend so that you won't find out" once again Yoongi lied to Hoseok looking sideways to avoid any eye contact....

"How much more will you lie Yoongi...I know everything" Hoseok got irritated

"Means...what-what you know" Yoongi shuttered

"I know that my father came to you and talked some nonsense and also offered you money and job...which you refused...and got ready to break up with me so that I can get back to my comfortable life...really thought such low dare you thought I will leave you for some luxury huh" Hoseok beat Yoongi on chest repeatedly...

"I don't know who told you this but its a lie...I took money from your dad and I want to break up with you that's pack your bags and get out..." Yoongi pushed Hoseok gently "move on from me and marry another rich guy who can fulfill you wishes"

Tears started to gather in Hoseok's eyes

"Ok (wipes his tears) want me to get out of your life and move on right...ok I will do that" Hoseok said and Yoongi felt pang in his heart "But first answer my questions"

"What questions" asked Yoongi confused

"How would you feel when someone will adore me like you do" said Hoseok coming closer to Yoongi

"How would you feel when some will kiss me like you do" Hoseok said touching Yoongi's lips

" How would you feel when someone will touch me like you do" keeping Yoongi's one hand on his own waist

"Shut up" Yoongi whispered

"How would you feel when someone else will look at me with the same love in eyes like you do and I would look at him in same loving way I look at you" said Hoseok as he stared in Yoongi's eyes

"Shut up Hoseok" Yoongi whispered in deep voice

"How would you feel when this neck will be adorned with someone else's hickies" Hoseok continued ignoring Yoongi's words keeping Yoongi's one hand on his nape

"Shut up Hoseok...don't taste my patience" Yoongi said more firmly tightening his grip around Hoseok's waist...his patience was running out of his hand

" Tell me would you feel when someone else will make love to me like you do and I will moan under someone el..." Hoseok got cut off when Yoongi pinned him to wall with both of his hands above his head and started kissing him roughly...

Yoongi roughly kissed Hoseok...biting and licking his lips...he is putting all his anger, love, desperation, sadness, fear everything in the kiss...hoseok smiled in kiss knowing his plan to provoke Yoongi is successfull...

They kissed for 10 minutes and then part away
"Don't you dare to talk like that are mine...only mine...i would burn each and everyone who will dare to touch are only mine to adore (pulls him closer)...only mine to touch (sliding his hands down keeping it on Hoseok's waist) only mine to kiss (pecking his lips) this neck (holding Hoseok my back of his neck) is only mine to create art on (bites Hoseok's neck hardly and then suck it creating hickey) This eyes are only mine to look at...I will take out eyes of anyone who will look at you the way I look...this whole body (roam his hand on Hoseok's whole body) is just mine only mine to cherish, love and ruin...your heart only belongs to me keep it in your mind..." growled and whispered Yoongi in low dangerous husky voice...their faces just inches apart with Hoseok pinned to wall and Yoongi's one hand on Hoseok's waist and other on his back of neck...

"But you dont love me Yoongi" provoke Hoseok

"I love you...I do love you...that's why I did everything...I wanted you to be happy"  Yoongi shouted in frustration moving a little back to get good look of Hoseok's face....

Hoseok smiled a little then suddenly his face turned into anger.... he pushed Yoongi  and thudddddd slapped him hard making Yoongi stumble due to force of the slap...

Yoongi looked towards hoseok shocked who was looking like hot angry burning lava ready to explode....

Yoongi got scared (our Hoseok's anger is dangerous 👀)

" You don't love me Min don't " Hoseok whispered leaning on the wall


To be continued.....

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