Chapter 6

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They opened the door only to get shocked seeing...........

Mr.and Mrs. Jung standing outside

"Mom dad what are you doing here" asked Hoseok sternly as he was still angry at Mr.Jung for trying to separate him and Yoongi...

"Can we come in plz" said Mrs.Jung

"Yes plz come in" Yoongi invited them intertwining his hands with Hoseok's to give him support...

Both came inside and settle on couch

"Would you like to have something" asked Yoongi but Mrs.Jung denied him and asked Hoseok and Yoongi to sit down on couch in front of them which they did...

"Now will you tell me why are you here" Hoseok gets impatient

"We are here to apologize to both of you" said this was shock for both Yoongi and Hoseok

"Wh..what" Hoseok was not able to believe

"Yes I am sorry sons for not supporting you...and most importantly sorry for trying to break your relationship...I came with offer a week ago because I thought Yoongi is same like other middle class people who only wants money...I thought he trapped you for your property...thats why I tried to make an offer...but my eyes opened when Yoongi refused my offer and got ready to send you so that he could lead a happy life...I understood my mistake...I am sorry Hoseok...I am sorry Yoongi"...Mr.Jung started crying...feeling guilty...

Tears escape from Hoseok's eyes as well seeing his dad crying...

"Since that day he kept thinking and asking me if we did something wrong...he was feeling guilty and wanted to meet you both" Mrs.Jung said as she consoled her husband with tears in her own eyes...

Hoseok stood up and hugged his father...both crying together...his mother also joins the hug...Yoongi looks at the family with small smile remembering his own parents...

Mrs.Jung breaks the hug and walk towards Yoongi...and carresed his cheeks
"My son in law is handsome...nice choice hobi" says Mrs.Jung making Hoseok blush

Yoongi got tense as Mr.Jung come towards him...but got shocked as he hugged him..he look forward to see Hoseok smiling at them with teary eyes...

They broke the hug and sat on couch...soon Kai came inside

"Kai hyunggg" Hoseok jumped on him hugging him tightly...

"Omoo are you" Kai said returning the hug

"I am fine hyung...what about you" Hoseok breaks the hug....

"I was fine until now but I think I am going to get killed today"... Kai said making hosoek confuse...

He signals Hoseok to look behind..Hoseok turn around only to find Yoongi glaring at Kai instensly like he will murder him...his fist turning white and and face red...

"Oh come on Yoongi spare me...Hoseok is like lil brother for me...and I am already married bro and I love husband so much so just chill" Kai said hiding behind Hoseok

"I...I was not jealous ok" stuttered Yoongi looking here and there making everyone laugh....

Hoseok's parents apologize to Hoseok for neglecting him in childhood and not giving him enough love...Hoseok forgived them

Soon everyone along with Kai had dinner which was surprisingly made by Yoongi and Mr.Jung...after dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jung with Kai left leaving the couple specially Hoseok happy...

"Happy" ask Yoongi cuddling Hoseok on bed

"Very much" Hoseok keeps his head on Yoongi's chest

"I love you" says Yoongi kissing hoseok's forehead

"Love you too"

5 years later

" Best Choreographer of the year award goes to...Mr.Jung Hoseok from Jinhit Entertainments"...everyone clapped as Hoseok walks up to the stage and receive award...

"I would like to thank my parents and friend for supporting me but most importantly I would like to thank my love Min Yoongi who supported and encouraged me to pursue my dream...who made me believe in myself...this award is for you you" said Hoseok looking towards his love who was sitting in front row watching his receiving his award with a proud smile...

Hoseok and Yoongi now are successful and well known people....Hoseok is a successful choreographer at Jinhit Entertainment and Yoongi is successfull music producer under the same label...both are very open about their relationship and their fans support them...they have gained lots of popularity in last 5 yrs...

"Ok now the time is for best music producer of the year and no doubt this award goes to Mr.Min Yoongi from Jinhit Entertainments"...

Yoongi comes on stage and receives the award...

"I would like to thank my parents for encouraging me to pursue my dream but thanks to the most important person in my life who was with me in every ups and downs in my life...who was there for me when I needed him...who is the reason behind by success today...he is Jung Hoseok my love..." Yoongi looks at Hoseok and suddenly the light went off and a light fell on Hoseok who gets confused seeing Yoongi walking towards him...

Yoongi sat on knees in front of Hoseok with a ring box in his hands...

"Jung Hoseok...will you like to be with me for lifetime...will you accept me as your partner and give me chance to love you and treasure you all my life...Will you marry me?" Yoongi completes the lines looking at Hoseoks eyes...Hoseoks eyes got filled with tears

"Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!" Everyone in the event chanted

"Ye..yes" Hoseok nodded...Yoomgi smiled widely and put ring on Hoseok's finger and stand up hugging him tightly with wide smile on both of their faces while everyone clapped and hooted for the new couple...

"I love you" whispered Yoongi in Hoseok's ears

"I love you happy place"....

2 months later both got married with blessing of their parents...and 4 yrs later they adopted a cute girl named Minji...

And thats how they got their happy ending.....

The end...

Thanks for reading....

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