Chapter 4

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" You don't love me Min don't " Hoseok whispered leaning on the wall


"Yes you don't love me...if you loved me then you would have known where my happiness would have known what makes me happy...but you don't know anything don't know" Hoseok slides down the wall and started crying keeping his hand around his knees and face in between his kness

Yoongi's heart broke seeing the sight of his love crying...he goes towards him and crouch down in front of him and pick him in bridal style...

Yoongi walk towards couch and sits down making Hoseok sit on his lap facing him with his legs on either side of Yoongi's...

"Leave me...leave me Yoongi" Hoseok struggled to get out of Yoongi's hold but failed as Yoongi hugged him tightly not leaving him...

After some trying Hoseok gave up struggling and started crying loudly keeping his head in Yoongi's neck...yoongi pat Hoseok's head with one hand and rub his back with another hand kissing his head numerous times trying to calm him down...some tears falling from his eyes also...feeling pang in heart hearing his love cry and he himself being the reason of it...

Soon Hoseok's cry subsided and converted into small sobs and sniffles...he started speaking still in that position...

"You know Yoongi (sniffles)...its true I had a very comfortable life before...big house...big room..big bed...branded clothes...maids for work...everything....but still (sniffles) still I only crave for one thing in my whole life...and that is love...I never got the love of my parents hyung...they were always busy with their business and never got time for me...but (sit up straight and look into Yoongi's eyes ) then I met you (caresses his cheeks and kisses his forehead) You filled colours in my black and white life hyung...and for the first time I felt what real friendship is like...experienced what family love means and for the first time in my life ever I feel loved hyung...I feel made me experience what love feels like" Hoseok stopped and got up from Yoongi's lap...Yoongi felt overwhelm listening to Hoseok...his own tears started to fall ...he stood up and started taking steps towards Hoseok

"How could you think I will get my happiness by going back in that black and white life where I will be all alone huh" shouted Hoseok backing up and was about to fall but Yoongi holds him...hoseok keeps his hand of Yoongi's chest

" you think I will be happy in that fucking luxury? You think i will be happy with anyone else? You think I will be happy away from you? (Shouts )  No...fucking no Min Yoongi...(holds his collar) I prefer to be here in this small apartment than that big ass empty mansion...I am ready to work my ass off if it means I can be with you...I prefer you over any luxury in the world...Min Yoongi why don't you understand" Hoseok shouted and cried staring into Yoongi's eyes and Yoongi can see the sincerity, vulnerability and most importantly love in Hoseok's eyes...

Yoongi immediately hug Hoseok tightly...He felt stupid to think that Hoseok will be happy away from him...he felt angry on himself for making his love cry...he felt angry for stupidly believing in some nonsense talks...he felt angry for being the reason of his love's vulnerability....

As Hoseok start to calm down Yoongi made him sit on bed and crouch down in front of him...taking Hoseok's hands he kissed it on back...and held Hoseok's chin with his fingers looking directly in his eyes...

"I am sorry love...I know I made a huge mistake...I behaved like stupid...I am stupid idiot to think you will be happy away from me...but I promise I will never ever leave you...I will give you all the happiness in the world...i will always cherish you my love...and we will achieve our dreams together...we will spend our future together till death apart us...I love you" and with that he kisses Hoseok making both of them fall on bed with Yoongi on the top...the kiss continued for long with only and only love and desperation for each other involve...

"I love you too are my happy place" Hoseok said in between the kiss making Yoongi smile in kiss...suddenly something strike Yoongi and he stopped...

"How you got to know about Mr.Jung's visit and everything?" Yoongi asked as he sat up on bed...with Hoseok on his lap...

"Well that....


After Yoongi left the house Hoseok started crying loudly not believing his love saying like this...but he thought something is not right as he knew Yoongi can't do something like he recalled all their conversation and decided to call that one person who will definately know the truth and will tell him about everything...

He took out the phone and dialled the person...


"Hello" said the person

"Hello...Kai hyung"....yes the person is Kai...Hoseok knew his dad take Kai everywhere he goes that's why he called Kai...Kai treats Hoseok as his lil brother

" Yes's everything"

" Hyung...did dad came to my house and offered Yoongi money and job to leave me"...Hoseok hoped Kai would deny it

"Yes..its true Hoseok...Mr.Jung did offer Yoongi the deal"...Hoseok's heart broke listening to Kai...

There was silence for few seconds before Kai spoke again " But Yoongi declined the offer"

"De-declined...means?" Hoseok stuttered

Then Kai told everything Mr.Jung told to Yoongi and how Yoongi decline money and job and got ready to break up so Hoseok could live comfortably...

Hoseok thanked Kai and cut the call...he felt so angry on Yoongi...

He made a plan and called Namjoon asking him to come there...

Flashback end

"After Namjoon came I told him everything and I made the plan and told him to call you...after that you know what happened..." Hoseok completed the story...

"Sorry" Yoongi apologized again...and Hoseok just smiled saying its ok

They both lean towards each other and just about to kiss when their doorbell rang making Yoongi groan and Hoseok chuckle....

They went to see who is at 9.45 pm...Yoongi opened the door and

Thudddddd...he got tight slap

To be continued....

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