Chapter 1.

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Camila's POV

It has been exactly sixteen long years since the tragic death of my mother and father, where both had been brutally murdered during a Hogwarts ambush. It was a day remembered by all of the wizarding world, only because the one responsible for such a brutal war, was the most wicked and sinful wizard of all time.

And even now, he still is...

But before the war, my mother was the school's nursery matron, a ten-year position she was given only because of the trust all headmasters had in her. She was in charge of all of the injuries and illnesses that spread through all students, and it was a busy job. The only job that is given to a muggle woman, also known as a non-magic individual.

My father, on the other hand, was Hogwarts' quidditch referee and flying instructor, even though he was also hired as a muggle. Although a job like my father's needed no more than instructing, being a muggle sometimes got in the way of that. Many ask how pathetic muggles like my parents associated and worked with wizards as grand as the ones running Hogwarts.

After the war, I was only two years old, and in care of Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts wizarding school. He had granted my parents their last wish in taking care of me since I had no one else.

As the years flew by, his promise was always kept, and my parents' wish before death had always been granted. And I was grateful for that.

But there was one thing I never understood. Something I still don't understand now.

Albus had always had a way of raising me. When he took me in, he made sure I was given a house in Hogwarts, and he also made sure I was given all wizarding classes just like the other witches and wizards.

Even though I have always been a muggle.

I still remember the day of my eleventh birthday. Albus had promised it would be the best birthday present I would ever receive; and back then, getting an entry letter to Hogwarts, home of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was like a dream for an eleven-year-old.

But as the years went by, as I realized I was indeed different from the rest of the students, I thought attending was a waste of time. I was only human, a pathetic muggle attending a Wizarding school, where I would learn of course.

But I would never perform greatness like the rest of the witches and wizards.

I had always complained about it to professor Dumbledore, but he thought otherwise of my potential. He would always say:

You're capable of many things Camila, witch, or muggle, I can see greatness within your future...

As time went by, I learned to accept being only human and learned to appreciate the opportunity of being the first muggle attending Hogwarts.

I learned to accept the opportunity of being the first muggle being chosen for the House of Gryffindor, and honors classes like the rest of my fellow housemates.

It was not every day a muggle got to learn the ways of a wizard.

"Wands up!"

I blink my thoughts away, watching Dinah gently grab her wand from on top of the old wooden desk, along with the rest of the students.

My eyes roam around the large classroom, all other eyes watching professor Flitwick intently for further instructions. "For every spell I name, each of you will use the cup in front of you to perform the task."

I sigh, grabbing a pencil from under my black and velvet rob, preparing to write down the spell announced like all of my classes.

The petite professor stands over his old stood, reading each spell aloud, while each student performs each cast with ease.

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