Chapter 20.

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Camila's POV

What I was seeing was beyond what I had expected when both girls showed up at our dorm. I knew that the gut wrenching feeling deep inside my stomach was sensing something I was starting to disregard and ignore. I just didn't want to face the fact that something bad had happened. What I was witnessing right now, I couldn't help but panic as the rest of the Wizards around the motionless body gasped and whispered among themselves.

"What happened to her!" I feel my voice shake in fear as I stare at the body of my own best friend lie on the ground, stuck motion and frozen as if under a spell.

Lauren kneels down next to Normani's pale body, running her fingers of the girls feared expression. "She was cursed..." The worried girl whispers, swallowing hard fearfully. Dinah looks up around the crowd and curses under her breath as she spots a smirking Draco stand with arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall.

"Serves the mudblood right for what you all did.." The tone of his voice is teasing and low, giving us all smirks. Lauren is first to grab her wand, pointing the magical diamond crusted stick towards the boy, who now backs away slowly, fear flashing through his features. But Dinah is quick enough than both Lauren and Draco.

The taller girl in one quick swish off her wand, walks towards the boy, her features completely infuriated and unforgiving as she casts the familiar spell. Draco looks like a deer near headlights as he falls on his ass, a loud yell leaving his lips.

"Stupefy!" Dinah cries loudly, the lunging spell hitting the blonde boy like a ton of bricks as he's thrown across the hall, landing over the top of the stairs unconsciously, his friends running to wake him in panic.

The boy was knocked out cold.

The rest of the small group around us had scattered before Dinah could cast the spell, worried they'd be caught in between a harmful fight. That left only the rest of us seven, along with Normani's cold body laying over the hard stone.

"We have to tell administration about this," Liam observes Normani's body, worried as he kneels besides her, "This is serious!"

"No," Lauren and I blurt at the same time, confusing the three wizards kneeling in front of us, still shocked as they inspect Normani's out cold body. "We can't tell anybody."

"Why not?" Perrie breaths out.

"We just can't," Dinah explains, kneeling next to Normani and beginning to scoop the dark skinned beauty in her arms, leading us into the upstairs off the Gryffindor dorm rooms. "There are dangerous people out there that are trying to hurt L--all of us,"

Harry speaks up now, eyes furrowed as he follows behind us. "Why is that? Have you girls done something?"

"No," I shake my head, "We've done nothing wrong, okay?"

"Then why won't you take her to proper care?" Harry looks concerned, stopping dead in his tracks in front of Dinah. "This could be a life charm for all we know. We need a powerful wizard to help us. We need to tell Dumbledore!"

Dinah pushes past the green eyes boy, wanting badly to get Normani to safety, answering, "For gods sake, just follow us and we'll explain."

I try not to say anything after that, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation to why it was stupid to go to the administration with Normani. Someone had casted a curse over her and the last thing we wanted was for the charm to be permanent or harmful to her. What the hell were we supposed to tell them? Lauren wasn't supposed to be out of the third floor and the last thing we needed was for Dumbledore to find out something like this happened with her roaming the castle.

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