Chapter 26.

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A/N: *Please note that any words written in italics is a memory, vision, or dream, just so some of you understand*

(Lauren's POV)

"You've been loyal, Severus."

I knew that voice like it was my own by now, and just the sound of him reminded me of what a monster he was; and what a dark wizard like him was capable of. Though I knew this was all my imagination, I tried to block the voice out of my head.

"I have always remained loyal for you, my lord." I stir uncomfortably and try to listen intently, feeling my stomach churn as I get a clear hearing of the second voice.


I try to remind myself that this is just him trying to scare me, tricking me into believing that what I was hearing was anything horrible I'd remember. I know that I'm asleep, but for some reason, I can feel myself moving around like I'm walking and speaking to someone all at once.

But I know it's not me.

"Tell me, Severus." The voice proceeds, and I feel my hands twitch besides me. "How loyal would you say you'd be for the task I have in mind..?"

I let my brain scan through each word and I try to listen intently now, more curious to where this conversation leads to. I can feel the wooden feeling of a thin rod in my hand and I realize I'm holding a wand...No--it feels like I'm holding a wand.

"Beyond what you would expect, my lord."

I furrow my eyebrows and start to feel queasy at the thought of this vision possibly being true. Whatever Snape was talking about sounded like he was along with Voldemorts plans...he sounded like one of them.

"Severus, we both know that Draco Malfoy cannot carry out this task, for he is only a boy." The dark wizard announces loudly, his voice bouncing off of what I assume is an empty room. I feel my neck pulse and I squirm around the only thing holding me up.

"When the time comes, the boy will coward away from my command. He won't fulfill the task easily, and in the end, he won't be able to carry out the job that needs to be done right." Voldemort speaks slyly, sounding almost as if he were proposing something valuable. "Show me you are as loyal as you state....and finish the job."

"The boy will be able to carry out his assignment, my lord. I'm sure of it."

"But if he does not!" The dark wizard almost yells and I wince a bit, feeling my heart beat faster with each of his cunning words. "If he does will be the one to kill him."

A cruel laugh erupts from the dark wizard and I can hear Snape mumble a meek response before footsteps are heard from all over the room. I can't seem to hear anything else and both voices are blurred after that, a painful jab striking the side of my head.

The pain is bearable enough to keep from making any noise but it's still extremely painful. I try to listen in one the conversation and all I can hear after that is,

"I'll carry out the task, my lord. Mark my word I'll be the one to kill him."

The room around me comes to an abrupt stop after I awake, the spinning and painful attacks now completely diminished after reality. I find myself in my own dorm again, taking deep breaths as I wipe the sweat around my forehead and off my hands as well.

I turn to look to my side and find Camila's quivering body soaked in her own amount of sweat, squirming and mumbling incoherent things to herself. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she is now having the same vision of her own, the same one I dreamed of only seconds ago.

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