Redeeming Qualities

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🎵 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆 - 𝒏𝒇 🎵

"Let's just say we're descendants from Katherine." Elena begins, dipping her fries into the ketchup.

Since we were younger, i've noticed how she would eat every fry with ketchup yet never put it on top. I mean, it seems like the faster, more logical way.

I'm wiping glasses at the end of the bar, trying to keep my distance from them after they refused to leave- I think Elena is stalling -and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Does that make me part vampire?" She finishes, tossing the fry into her mouth. I chuckle as I finish pouring a beer for an elder lady and I can't help but approach the two.

"Don't be stupid, Lena."

We notice what I had called her just as I said it. Her shoulders stiffen and her eyes fill with hope. I decide to face Damon and pretend it never happened.

"You must be happy about this answer." I smile, tilting my head teasingly. He swallows his bite of the burger and meets my gaze. "You know, seeing as vampires can't pro-create."

"Absolutely." He matches my energy. "But we love to try."

"Gross." I mumble to myself. Elena grows uncomfortable just as I grow uneasy. I finally look at her. "Listen, if we were related to Katherine that would have to mean she had a child before she turned."

I can tell my words ease her slightly but she only finds more ways to overthink.

"Did Stefan think that he could use me to replace her?"

"Ah, you're dating the brother. Confirmed." I say the last part to myself. I had teased Damon about it earlier but I didn't actually know for sure. I just wanted to bother with him.

"How do you know about Stefan?" Elena asks me. I steal a fry and answer.

"Infamous Salvatore brothers. How could I not know? Besides, I know more than you think."

Like what Bree has in store for them after this.

Elena watches me. She looks as though she doesn't even know me. And to be fair, she doesn't anymore. But it still hurts.

"If you ask me-" Damon cuts in, redirecting us back to the Katherine and Stefan topic. "-it's kinda creepy."

Elena picks at her pickles, setting them on the side of the plate. "Come on, you don't like pickles? What wrong with you?" Damon asks, stealing one from her plate.



She and I answer at the same time. She smiles at me, and it's faint, as if she isn't sure of the action herself. And instead of mirroring it, I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"Weird." Damon deadpans.

Elena looks at him. "How could you even eat if technically you're supposed to be dead? And how am I expected to eat when my twin, who I haven't seen or spoken to in months, is standing right in front of me?" She exhausts.

"Here's a beer." Bree joins us and I tense up slightly, watching her movements. She places two beers in front of both Damon and Elena. "Drink up."

"I'm going to go clean up the back." I excuse myself and leave the three to talk.


I return from my break at 8pm to see Elena and Damon still slamming back shots. This time, there's a crowd around them and Bree cheers them on. Joining in on the laughter and hustle.

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