Friend and Foe

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Being back in my room feels different. Last time I was in here my parents were alive. I didn't have powers. Elena wasn't dating a vampire and I wasn't getting bit by one.

I have too many emotions running through me for me to understand what they each are individually.

I'm home sick. Yet i'm home. I miss Bree, but she wasn't always the best person. I miss my parents. I'm angry at the world. I'm angry at myself. I'm upset that I can do so much yet so little for others and myself. I'm anxious for more to come. My whole body hurts. I want to be strong but I also want to give up and hand in my badge.

Why do I have to feel like this?

I'm standing in front of my full length floor mirror, my bandage staring me right in the face. I can see two dots of blood seeping through, and to help with the faintness I got a cup of ginger ale.

Elena had cleaned it but I have to change the cover so it doesn't get infected.

I have yet to change out of my clothes. My right shoulder is covered in blood that had dripped down my neck. Elena cleaned it off my skin but it remains on the fabric of my top.

Just a reminder that I can't do anything right.

As anger fills me, I grab the closest object to me and spin around to throw it at my wall. The snow globe feels heavy in my hands but it doesn't stop me from trying to hurl it as hard as I can.

Only, it doesn't hit the wall. It lands in the hand of Damon Salvatore who catches it like a baseball. He tosses it up in his hand, catching it again before looking at me.

He's standing in the middle of my room and I glance to my window to see it ajar. He had literally snuck into my room like those cliche movies.

"I don't have time for this Damon." I state, turning to walk into my bathroom.

I'm exhausted.

The swoosh sound brushes past my ear and hair as he uses his vamp speed to stand right in front of me. Blocking me from going any further. His eyes flicker to my bandaged neck.

"That's a gnarly bite. I see you're fine standing on your own now." Damon smirks tauntingly.

I narrow my gaze on him and cross my arms over my chest. "What do you want, Damon?"

His features suddenly turn serious as he looks me right in the eye. "I want to know why you tried to fight that vampire on your own."

How did he- no. I may have tried to steer him away from Elena and get him alone; but me fighting back was desperation. I should've had my powers to help me, but they decide to become nonexistent the moment I need them.

I have no problem getting my hands dirty. However, it was my siblings lives on the line and I nearly ruined it all.

I'm strong. I am. That's why I felt the need to deal with it on my own. My family, my problem. But clearly I'm not good enough.

"I didn't." I finally say after a few moments of silence.

Damon scoffs. "You didn't call me. Or Stefan. Or Elena."

"I don't have your numbers." I argue.

"You led him away from the gym." He chided.

"He told me to." I counter.

Damon squints his eyes slightly. A thing i've noticed he does when he's thinking.

He searches my face with a distant look, but I can see his jaw clench angrily.

"What do you mean he told you to?" Damon takes a step toward me but I keep my ground. Unmoving.

"I'm not sure how the guy got my number but he called me at the dance. Told me if I didn't leave the gym he'd snap Jeremy's neck."

𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now