I'm Baaaack

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The house looks the exact same as it did the day I left. I had come back momentarily after the crash to look at it one last time. This is after I knew Elena was safe. After I came to the conclusion that there was nothing I could do to save my parents.

However, this time I admire it in the daylight. The sun beaming against the windows, the porch swaying lightly with the wind, the door, a chipped maroon from the aging wood.

Our wreath still hangs on the door and I lift my eyes to look at my room. With the blinds closed, I wonder if it looks the same as the way I left it.

I decided to come back to town for a bit. Shake things up, say hi to old friends, let them know i'm not dead. You know, the gist. Elena and Jeremy are at school, Jenna's at work, and I have a few errands to run while I wait for them to get home.

After Elena left with Damon, I went back into the bar to see that Bree is now without a heart. Thanks to Damon. I shed a few tears, grieving the woman who care for me.

But she was also meticulous, calculated, and untrustworthy. What she did to Damon, the man she supposedly would love forever, she could easily do to me. In a heartbeat- well, not anymore.

That's when I realized she must have told Damon how to get into the tomb. Of course I knew she was being picky earlier with the whole 'comit, crystal, spell' thing. All he needs to do is find Emily's grimoire, find out what spell she used and reverse it.

But she wanted to get under his skin a bit. And to admit, so did I. It's entertaining. I want to be here to see it all go down. Also, to keep an eye on Elena. Since she's involved with the Salvatore brothers, danger is going to follow her.

I smile to myself. This is going to be a fun trip.


I was going to say hi to my dear family last night, but plans changed when I got drunk at a bar just out of town. Being back in Mystic Falls took a physical toll on me that I didn't expect.

All I can think about are my parents. The crash. the freezing water. How it felt to think I was going to die. I get visions of me leaving, of me hurting people I care about. I can't make it stop.

So, I got drunk at a bar and as the clock strikes 9:23 p.m. the next day, I know it's time to go home.

I find it relaxing to walk home when i'm drunk. Sure, I would be scared. If I wasn't a witch.

The cold chill brushes against my face, cooling me down from all the shots I took. It's a quiet, peaceful walk, and I make sure to stay under the street lights.

The further I get into Mystic Falls, I can feel the prescience of someone walking either behind me or near me. I know this feeling, it's familiar.

"Are you going to keep hiding or come out and talk to me?" I call out into the lifeless street. Pulling my bag further up my shoulder, I let out a huff.

Then he's here. Standing right in front of me. 

"Hello again." I say. "Here to feed me more of your disgusting blood?"

"I thought you weren't coming back." Damon points out, his eyes flickering to my bag.

"Changed my mind." I take a step to walk around him but he follows next to me. Falling into step with me.

𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now