The Decade Dance

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"So," Caroline begins once we settle at the table and they've agreed to save more questions for later. "What are you doing here with the Salvatore brothers?" She gives them, specifically Damon, a not-so-nice look.

"I wanted to come so I asked Damon to be my date." I make up an excuse on the spot and I'd like to think it landed.

"You're not even dressed up as a decade though." Caroline's eyes drag my body and I refrain from rolling my eyes.

I'm wearing a fitted black long-sleeve top with dark skinny jeans and converse. Sue me for not having the time or money to go shoe shopping.

"It was last minute."

"I can tell."

"Caroline!" Bonnie scolds, just as Elena and I glance at each other. She likes Caroline about just as much as I do.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Caroline apologizes. She plasters on a smile and continues, "I'm just really glad to have to you back and- you know me -everything has to be perfect. But it's just my brain and- ugh it's just that pictures together after reuniting would be so much cuter if you were dressed up." Caroline finally spills in a hurried rant.

She's trying to be sweet and not push any of my buttons and for that I appreciate it.

But i'm not here for the dance. Or her.

"We'll take pictures later. For now i'm going to go use the ladies room. Excuse me." I find any excuse I can to get away from them.

Instead of walking back over to Damon and Stefan, I take a detour to the makeshift bar where students go for soda or juice.

After lurking around for a little, keeping my eye out and making sure Elena is still okay and alive. I had run into both Jenna and Jeremy. It was going to happen eventually and i'm glad it was at a decade dance where I could excuse myself at anytime.

Both of them were happy and extremely relived to see me. A few long hugs and many questions later, Jenna had urged me to come back and stay in my room again. Jeremy was a bit more closed off but I expected it.

I didn't realize how much I had missed them until they were standing in front of me with stories to tell; like how Jenna and Alaric are talking more, and Jeremy has a little crush on a girl named Anna.

Jenna had excused herself to go chaperone the dance floor, so I'm left standing with Jeremy. He's much more mature looking and more broody than I remember. But he's still my sweet little Jer Bear.

"So, this Anna girl. She is someone you'd talk to your sister about?" I tease, playfully bumping my shoulder with his.

He looks down and bites his inner cheek, trying not to smile. He's such a cutie.

"Um, well, she's cute. And really nice." He begins, the blush creeping to his cheeks. "I met her in the library and we've sorta been hanging out since."

"Does Elena know about her?" I ask.

"Kinda. I'm not sure."

"Ah, so you're keeping her a secret." I nod to myself.

"Not necessarily. It's just, after you disappeared, or left, I guess, Elena turned into this helicopter sibling trying to take over mom and dads roles. So I stopped mentioning things that aren't her business." He explains, looking at me with uncertainty.

𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now