000. 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝓲𝓼 𝓼𝓱𝓮..?

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⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺

      Sunlight poured through the window that stood tall behind the Hokage, illuminating the office as his gaze fixed upon the files of the once-presumed dead girl now seated across from him. A girl that not only survived the Uchiha massacre, but also the brutality of the White arena, where she was forced to take hundreds of lives.

Despite the pity he felt for the girl, his expression remained stoic, the scars that Ahma bore only being a reminder of who exactly this little girl that sat before him was. She hadn't been just any helpless prisoner, she was Cicada— the prized fighter of Aoi Hattori.

As he looks up from the papers, meeting Ahma's gaze, the Hokage sought to unravel the enigma that sat before him. Was she truly as dangerous as the rumors claimed?

Peering into her ocean blue eyes, he saw beyond the facade of Cicada, into a depth of emotion that differed from her fearsome reputation. She was not the monster he had expected, she was just a little girl that had to fight for her own survival for the last three years and the look of sorrow in her eyes only reflected that.

"How are you?" The Hokage questions with a curious brow.

"Fine," she replies quickly, as if she'd recited her answer a hundred times before. Disregarding her rehearsed answer, the Hokage nods slowly, before shuffling through her files again.

"Transitioning back into society may pose challenges for you, which is why I have arranged for you to meet with Sora Hayashi. She specializes in psychological health and will closely monitor your progress," he elaborates, sliding a set of papers across the table.

"In addition, you will be enrolled in the ninja academy, where your physical and academic capabilities will be evaluated. Successfully passing the Ninja Academy graduation exam will see you graduate alongside your peers and be placed into a team." He continues, his stern expression remaining as serious as ever.

"Considering your current situation, I fear you are not currently safe to be left alone, therefore, I have intrusted your safety to a capabale person." Just as he left off, a peck at the door, draws silence.

"Enter," he orders. Not even a moment passes before Ahma's savior appears from behind the door.

"Kakashi?" The Hokage's expression twists with confusion, "you're not supposed to come get her until later." He states.

"Sora was held up in a meeting, so she requested me to escort Ahma to the academy," Kakashi explains, approaching the Hokage's desk.

"Very well," the Hokage sighs, rising from his desk and handing Kakashi a stack of papers, presumably Ahma's registration documents.

Ahma found comfort in the familiar presence of Kakashi, a sense of ease washing over her. Looking down at the young blonde girl, Kakashi offered a closed eyes smile and a wave; in return a subtle shift in Ahma's expression, a hint of warmth flickering in her gaze.

"Shall we?" Kakashi's voice broke the silence, motioning towards the door. Standing from her chair, Ahma follows Kakashi.


The door to the classroom suddenly swings open, in response the sensei of the class falls silent at the interruption as his students erupt in loud whispers. Two figures step through the door, revealing a girl being escorted by a ninja.— Though, it wasn't just any random shinobi, but instead the copy ninja, Kakashi Hatake himself.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍. ⁿᵃʳᵘᵗᵒWhere stories live. Discover now