002. 𝓮𝔁𝓪𝓶𝓼

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      That evening, Kakashi escorted Ahma to his home, where Ahma swiftly retreated into her new room, locking herself in until the break of dawn. The next morning, he accompanied her to the academy, where Ahma was met by a familiar blond boy.

"Hey, Ahma! I've been waiting for you!" the boy exclaims enthusiastically from the steps, catching the attention of his peers as Ahma approaches.

"Hello," she responds, her tone lacking the warmth of a usual greeting.

"Would you like to walk in together?" he asks, sporting a cheerful grin.

"If that's what you prefer," she replies nonchalantly, shrugging.

"Hey, Ahma!" Another boy approaches, bearing the Inuzuka clan's distinctive markings and a wide smile of his own.

"Hello," she greets, her reserved demeanor unnoticed by the Inuzuka boy.

"Want to walk in together?" he inquires.

Glancing back at the now irritated Naruto, Ahma remarks, "Well, he's also seeking someone to accompany him. Perhaps you two should go together," she suggests, leaving both boys with blank expressions as she strode past them, prompting them to follow in her wake.

As Ahma enters the classroom, whispers filled the air around her. "I heard she was an Uchiha..." one girl whispers to her friend. "Yeah, I heard she was a makio before she was taken..." her friend responds in turn.

Ahma, choosing to ignore the unwanted attention, gracefully made her way through the crowded room, causing a hush to fall over the students as she passed. She settles into a seat in the third row, nearest to the window, only to have even more whispers erupt around her.

Only a moment later and Naruto and the Inuzuka boy enter the classroom together just as Ahma had suggested, but their entrance was marred by an argument that only ceased when a dark-haired boy forcefully pushes past them, clearing the entryway.

Ahma couldn't help but notice the shift in conversation at the boys arrival.

"Look! It's Sasuke," a girl gawks.

Sasuke strode past the desks with an indifferent expression until he came to a stop upon seeing Ahma. "She's at his desk, the audacity," a girl whispers from behind her.

"That's my seat," the boy declares, his expression as blank as her own.

"I don't recall a seating chart," Ahma retorts, eliciting offended gasps from the girls in the class.

A faint grin tugs at the boy's lips as he scoffs, before finally settling into the desk to her left as even more whispers begin to stir, this time the boys including themselves.

"Why does he get all of the girls? What a drag." A boy grumbles to his desk mate that was chomping on some chips.

"I know, it's so unfair." He munches in agreement.

The chatter in the classroom gradually quietens down as Iruka makes his entrance, carrying a stack of papers, signaling the impending arrival of an exam.

Students hurriedly scurried to their preferred seats, frantically readying themselves for the impending test. Those who had prepared notes, retrieved them, their eyes scanning the pages as if trying to absorb the information through sight alone.

Amidst the commotion, Ahma remained composed, her gaze fixed intently on Iruka as he carefully placed the exam papers on his desk. With a deliberate gesture, he grabs a clipboard, his voice resonating through the classroom as he began calling out the names of the students one by one.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍. ⁿᵃʳᵘᵗᵒWhere stories live. Discover now